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Champagne Tarlant 的家族靈魂

May 08, 2017

Champagne Tarlant

何謂一枝有靈魂嘅Champagne🍾? 打開Champagne Tarlant旗下香檳就會知道。呢個已經歷過十二代嘅釀酒家族,由種葡萄到釀酒出產都係一手包辦,將風土同釀造技巧,融入到每粒葡萄🍇,造出極具性格嘅農家香檳。由於整個過程都係由同一家族完成,除左可以保証出品質素穩定之外,仲有好濃厚嘅「家族魂」係入面!Tarlant擅長釀造糖分低嘅extra brut甚至不加糖的Brut Zero 及 Brut Nature,目的就係要將Marne Valley嘅風土同葡萄嘅,自然咁表達出黎。例如入門級嘅Zero Brut NV,其幼細而持久嘅氣泡,加上蜂蜜,柑橘般嘅味道,平衡度極高,仲得到RP 93嘅高分!由於整個過程都極花心力,所以Tarlant每年產量並唔高,但枝枝都係精心佳釀。

#sens #Champagne #GrowerChampagne #Tarlant #Champagne_Tarlant_Brut_Zero_NV #MarneValley #Senswinecellar #支持小農

Which can be called a character Champagne🍾? You will get the answer when you open the champagne from Tarlant. The historic wine-making family has already come to its twelfth generation. From growing grapes to winemaking to bottling, the Tarlant family all relies on themselves and the experiences from their ancestors. They put their wine-making skills and the character of terroirs into every grape, producing bottles of characteristic grower champagne. As a grower champagne family, Tarlant can guarantee the quality while showing their “family’s soul”. Tarlant is proficient at making champagne with low dosage like extra brut or even with no dosage, like brut zero and brut nature, naturally reflecting the terroirs and the quality of the grapes🍇. Their Zero Brut NV with RP 93 points thrives with its golden colour and intense mousse, well balanced with the touch of honey and citrus. The annual yield of Champagne tarlant is not high but every bottle is delicately made.