Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.


8月 15, 2017

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💻Brand new experiences: New payment methods @ Sens.com.hk】
In addition to PayPal, sens.com.hk has now offered new payment of Apple Pay! . You can now use your fingerprints👍
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Also in 新聞

大人細路齊齊乾杯🥂 零酒精葡萄酒
大人細路齊齊乾杯🥂 零酒精葡萄酒

12月 06, 2024


8月 02, 2021

快d上嚟我地Sens Wine荃灣店啦!不論是WeChat Pay、Alipay、Tap&Go抑或八達通,四種方法都得,想點買就點買~

1月 06, 2021