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Trimbach Riesling Grand Cru Geisberg 2018 (RP:92+)


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Maison Trimbach 是阿爾薩斯最古老的酒莊之一,其歷史可以追溯到1626 年。從那時起至今來到第十三代,一直以來嚴格的釀酒師和成員都十分注重每個工作從種植到收成、釀造裝瓶。

葡萄園均位於Ribeauvillé周圍,受惠於獨特的微氣候及孚日山脈(Vosges Mountains)的保護,免受雨水侵襲。

Trimbach家族一直有著純粹的願景,他們以生產優質的乾型葡萄酒聞名,尤其是Riesling。這些葡萄酒結構嚴謹,陳年潛力豐富,果香濃郁、優雅而平衡:這就是 Trimbach風格!

特級園Geisberg是阿爾薩斯的一顆寶石,雖然它只有8.5 公頃,是阿爾薩斯最小的特級園之一。然而,它的石灰岩和砂岩底土、古老的葡萄藤、向南的日照和陡峭的梯田,都構成獨特而複雜的風土。這兒出產的Riesling酒體飽滿、活力充沛、細緻優雅,絕對適合陳年,好年份更可陳年10至30年。

阿爾薩斯特級園 Geisberg



100% Riesling

(Robert Parker's rating: 92+ points)
2018年的Grand Cru Geisberg Riesling開首帶有非常成熟或乾果的味道 … 它純粹、新鮮,準確地代表了Geisberg石質和帶有鹹感的風土。口感豐富、濃厚、具有巴洛克風格;充滿力量和甜度(每公升僅 3.9 克),餘韻堅實而集中。需要數年時間來放鬆和呼吸,酒精含量為14.6%。


Maison Trimbach is one of the oldest wineries in Alsace which can date back to 1626. Since then, thirteen generations of rigorous winemakers and Ambassadors looks after each operation, from planting to harvests and from vinification to bottling.

Maison Trimbach’s vineyards are all situated around Ribeauvillé, they benefit from the unique Alsatian microclimate, thanks to the Vosges Mountains protection, which preserves the plain from the rain. The Trimbachs have always had a purist vision, they are well-known of producing dry wines, especially Riesling. The wines are very strictly structured, long-living and fruity, elegant and balanced: it’s the Trimbach Style !

The Geisberg is a jewel of Alsace: its limestone and sandstone subsoil, its old vines, its southern exposure and its small steep-sloping terraces make it a unique and complex terroir of only 8.5 ha: it is one of the smallest Alsace Grand Crus. The resulting Riesling is of great intensity and good energy, with finesse. A gastronomic wine suitable for long aging, between 10 to 30 years in excellent vintages.

Grand Cru Geisberg, Alsace

Country of Origin:

White/Blanc (Still)

Grape Variety:
100% Riesling

Tasting Notes:
(Robert Parker's rating: 92+ points)
The 2018 Grand Cru Geisberg Riesling opens with very ripe, if not partly overripe or dried fruit and some lactic notes on the nose ... This was pure, fresh and precisely representative of the Geisberg terroir with stony and saline notes. On the palate, this is an opulent, dense and baroque-styled Riesling with power, sweetness (just 3.9 grams per liter) and a firm and concentrated finish. This is another wine that needs some years to relax and breathe. 14.6% stated alcohol. 

Ageing Potential:

15 years and over