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2020年Briedeler Herzchen有非比尋常的豐厚質感,口感結構分明而透亮純淨,有黃色stonefruit,檸檬油,花蜜等香氣,乾身,有著絕佳的香氣平衡,和令人極舒適而充足的酸度,配餐和單純品嚐全方位得無懈可擊!
W - Tasted on (29/12/22)
Immich-Batterieberg是德國最老酒莊之一, 莊主Gernot Kollmann不斷努力還原古老Riesling葡萄園風味, Briedeler Herzchen這區塊葡萄園絕不能少, Briedeler Herzchen早期已被比列為Prussian Vineyard Classification of 1868 (1868 年普魯士葡萄園分級) 的最高級別。曾有一個Briedel釀酒家庭, 父親Johann Römer和女兒Katharina有一次到Bernkastel-Kues出遊便住在渡船家庭處, 發現其兒子得了重病, 於是便拿出自己釀的Briedeler酒給他喝, 數日後父女準備啟程離開,便看看兒子程況, 怎知他已奇蹟復元並已在船上並語帶感激地喊著"My Briedeler Herzchen!", 最後船家兒子更和女兒結了婚, 兒子更成為著名Cardinal Nikolaus von Cues傳教士和成為Cusanus和 Koblenz姓氏的後代。
酒標上的心心大概是指葡萄園內紅色和灰色的板岩石,而葡萄園就位於Pünderich Marienburg的右邊,面向東南的陡峭山坡上。此酒輕盈細緻,帶有穩定的酸度和奔放的香氣。
The little heart on the wine label is the steep south-east location with gray to red slate on the right side of the Pünderich Marienburg. "Light", fine Rieslings with stable acidity and a very expressive nose.
原產地 Country of origin:
Briedeler Herzchen, Mosel, Germany
種類 Type:
白葡萄酒White/Blanc (Still)
葡萄品種 Grape Varieties:
品酒筆記 Tasting Notes:
(Robert Parker's rating: 92 points):
2020 Briedeler Herzchen來自陡峭的葡萄園,位置是Pündericher Marienburg向東南的伸延,當中的土壤佈滿紅色和灰色的板岩石。以深沉、純淨、細膩,以及板岩碎石、檸檬油和黃椒的香氣揭開序幕。口感圓潤、剔透。這是一款優雅平衡,又帶有青葱氣息的Dry Riesling。芳香圓潤、果汁豐盈、酸度鮮明。酒體飽滿,反映出良好的結構,為出奇濃郁的果味和口感帶來平衡。
The 2020 Briedeler Herzchen comes from gray and red slate soils of a steep vineyard that is virtually the southeastern extension of the Pündericher Marienburg. The wine opens with a deep, pure, fine and very stony bouquet of crushed slate, lemon oil and yellow paprika. Round and crystalline on the palate, this is a lush and rich yet elegant and balanced dry Riesling with round and aromatic, juicy fruit and crystalline acidity. It is full-bodied and round and reveals a fine phenolic structure that balances the power of this unusual fruit-intense and mouth-filling Riesling perfectly.
Category: Agency Brands, Batterieberg, Discount, Riesling, White Wines, Wines from Germany
Type: Wine