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Fontenil由星級釀酒師Michel Rolland及他的太太Danny Rolland創立。他們擔任多間波爾多酒莊的顧問後,決定在喜歡的產區 Fronsac 建立自己的酒莊。自1986年開始,冒險正式展開,他們在小鎮Saillans找到一家舊酒廠,只有數公頃的土地。然後他們把設施翻新,為釀酒、藏酒的酒窖引入優質的設備,直至1999年才添置完成。
葡萄園坐落於朝南的山坡,Merlot與Cabernet Sauvignon得以享受充足的日照。透過傳統的剪枝及疏果 (green harvest)等方法來控製質量,他們的出品可說是品質保證,屢獲好評,令到 Fronsac產區聲譽日隆。
波爾多 Fronsac
95% Merlot, 5% Cabernet Sauvignon
(Robert Parker's rating: 92 points)
這款Fontenil 深藍帶紫。酒精度相對較高,達至14.5%,但酒精感在這酒體飽滿、層次複雜的葡萄酒中並不明顯。果味以豐富的黑色覆盆子、藍莓為主,混合了一些碎石感。具備陳年潛質。
The winery is founded by the renowned oenologists, Michel Rolland and his wife, Danny Rolland. After being the consultants of so many estates in Bordeaux, they settled in their favourite appellation, Fronsac, and founded their own Chateau in 1986. The adventure began with a few hectares, located in the town of Saillans. The renovation of the facilities started and continued until 1999, the wine cellars, barrel cellar and storage cellar were equipped with high-quality equipment.
They insist the traditional cultivation methods, control of yields from pruning to green harvest. Their wines always receive good reviews and has made Fronsac even more famous.
Fronsac, Bordeaux
Country of Origin:
Bordeaux, France
Red/Rouge (Still)
Grape Varieties:
95% Merlot, 5% Cabernet Sauvignon
Tasting Notes:
(Robert Parker's rating: 92 points)
The basic Fontenil (95% Merlot and 5% Cabernet Sauvignon) has a deep bluish purple color and relatively hefty alcohol at 14.5%, but it is not noticeable in this full-bodied, layered, opulent wine, with lots of black raspberry fruit intermixed with some blueberries and crushed rock. Have a good potential to age in a fine cellar.
Category: Bordeaux, Fine Wines, Red Wines, Wines from France
Type: Wine