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Jean-Michel Guillon是巴黎人,對釀酒有着無限熱情。1980年他移居到布爾岡,在Gevrey Chambertin知名的顧問Rene Galland幫助下,開展了釀酒事業。在他的努力和熱情下,酒莊成為布爾岡第一家獲得HVE(Haute Valeur Environnementale),即法國最高等級的環保認證。此外,酒莊亦是布爾岡內,購入最多全新橡木桶的頭三位,證明他們對自家成熟而濃郁的葡萄酒極有信心。現在他的兒子Alexis繼承了父親的志向,自2021年起,酒莊連續於法國葡萄酒界的「米芝蓮」“Guide Hachette des Vins”榜上有名。
布爾岡Cote de Nuits, Marsannay
Pinot Noir
葡萄來自1.6公頃的地塊”Les Portes”當中的獨佔園Clos des Portes。2019年的收成比其他年份平均少40%。於100%全新橡木桶發酵,在輕微過濾之後,於2021年2月裝瓶。
(Allen Meadows' rating: 89-91 points)
Jean-Michel Guillon is a Parisian and enthusiastic wine lover, moving to Burgundy in 1980, and started his project with the help of the well-known consultant Rene Galland in Gevrey Chambertin. His hard work and passion let the Domaine to be the first winery achieving HVE (Haute Valeur Environnementale) certification in France. Also, the Domaine is the top 3 buyers of new oak barrels in the whole Burgundy, which implied that they are very confident about their high concentration wines. Now his son Alexis has inherited the tradition and hard work. The name of the Domaine has been listed on the "Guide Hachette des Vins" (known as the Michelin Guide of French Wines) since 2012.
Marsannay, Cote de Nuits, Burgundy
Country of Origin:
Burgundy, France
Red/Rouge (Still)
Grape Variety:
Pinot Noir
The monopole Clos de Portes, located in the 1.6 hectare plot "Les Portes". Yields in 2019 were down about 40% compared to a normal vintage. Fermentation in 100% new oaked barrels, bottled in February 2021 after a light filtration.
Tasting Notes:
(Allen Meadows' rating: 89-91 points)
Notes of wood and menthol are present on the fresher aromas of red and dark berries along with plenty of humus-infused earth. There is excellent vibrancy and volume to the delicious and precise middle weight flavors that possess a lovely texture while exuding a refreshing salinity on the mildly austere finale. This should repay mid-term cellaring. Outstanding.
Category: Burgundy, Cote de Nuits, Fine Wines, Pinot Noir, Red Wines, related-burgundy, Wines from France
Type: Wine