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讓我們回到酒莊創立前。在1967年Aimé Sabon服兵役後歸來,他接管了父親的葡萄園,而過去他爸爸經常把葡萄交給合作社。
在1973年,Aimé建立自己的酒窖,並以位於Courthézon的家族農場 “La Janasse”命名,Domaine de la Janasse正式誕生。他深知自己推有極好的土地,於是決定收購新地塊來擴大酒莊的規模。現在葡萄園由最初的15公頃,發展至超過90公頃。
1991年,Aimé的長子Christophe Sabon在 Beaune獲得葡萄栽培與釀酒學文憑,又在 Mâcon完成市場學課程後,回到La Janasse學以致用,釀造出各款佳釀及開發新市場。2001年,Aimé的女兒Isabelle在圖盧茲大學完成釀酒學課程,以釀酒師的身份加入酒莊團隊。現在一家人包括Aimé的太太Hélène,於La Janasse共同努力。
Cotes du Rhone
40% Grenache, 20% Mourvèdre, 20% Carignan, 15% Syrah及5% Cinsault
(James Suckling's rating: 91 points)
In 1967, Aimé Sabon came back from his military service. He took over his father's vines, who used to take his grapes to the wine cooperative. In 1973, Aimé built his own cellar. Domaine de la Janasse was born and named after the family farm that was in Courthézon, in the locality of “La Janasse”. Aimé was ambitious. He knew he had fabulous soil and he wanted to expand the estate by acquiring new plots. From 15 hectares at the very beginning, La Janasse has now reached more than 90 hectares.
In 1991, after a technical diploma in viticulture and oenology in Beaune, and another one in marketing in Mâcon, Christophe Sabon –Aimé’s eldest son– came back to La Janasse where he was given the keys to the cellar. From then different cuvees were developed, new markets conquered. In 2001, Isabelle –Aimé’s daughter– graduated as an oenologist from the University of Toulouse, and joined the team. With Hélène, Aimé’s wife, the family was reunited again in La Janasse.
Cotes du Rhone
Country of origin:
Red/Rouge (Still)
Grape Varieties:
40% Grenache, 20% Mourvèdre, 20% Carignan, 15% Syrah and 5% Cinsault
Tasting Notes:
(James Suckling's rating: 91 points)
The floral side of the grenache grape gives this generous but very nicely balanced Cotes-du-Rhone a lot of charm, and when it leaps onto your palate it steadily gains in depth, thanks to the gentle tannins that build nicely. Wet-earth and warm terra-cotta notes add interest at the polished finish. Drink now.
Category: Domaine de la Janasse, Fine Wines, Grenache, Red Wines, Wines from France
Type: Wine