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M.Chapoutier Ermitage "Le Méal" 2007


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形容 Maison M. Chapoutier 最佳句子:一個自 1808 年起最尊重自然平衡和風土來孕育其葡萄園的酒莊。其家族座右銘「工作和盼望」已蓋括全部,幾個字便總結了所有對於這項藝術所要求的耐性和勇悍。耐性關乎於對存在已久的自然,而勇悍就關乎釀酒師平時的觀察、選擇和協助。釀出的酒就是對這一連串工藝的最真摯反映。

Ermitage 酒擁有豐富歷史背景,自羅馬時代已獲得欣賞(同時尚有 Côte Rotie),當然名叫 Vienne wines,其後則叫Saint Christopher's hillside wines,因為隔鄰的教堂帶有該聖人的名字,那些酒也叫做 Tournon wines 。

Ermitage的名字最早出現在 17 世紀,為了紀念 Stérimberg 的騎士 Henry Gaspard,他由十字軍(14 世紀)回來,已對戰爭厭倦,遂隱居在由西班牙皇后 Anne of Castille 贈予他的山丘上,他亦在那裡種植葡萄,Alexander Dumas 和沙王 Nicholas 二世都非常欣賞他的酒。





人工採摘已達成上等成熟程度的葡萄,潛在酒精度可達 14%。在壓搾整束葡萄後,液體先放置 24 至 48 小時。約 50% 的容量會於新大木桶(600L)釀造,其餘在混凝土缸。

於木桶陳年,並進行酒渣攪拌,頻密試飲以檢查品質。感官條件(顏色、香氣、味道)決定陳年時期,通常裝瓶會在收成 10 至 12 個月後。

明亮黃金色。香氣強勁、十分充足的礦物和西芹,輕柔和融合得十分好的木桶。入口感感覺充滿力度,圓潤、細致、帶異國風味的新鮮感覺,配以烘烤杏仁。此年分的酒可以保存 30 至 60 年,甚至 50 至 75 年。 


The words that best describe Maison M. Chapoutier, an Estate that nurtures its vineyards with the greatest respect for natural balance and terroir since 1808. The family motto “Fac et Spera” – do and hope – says it all. Two words that sum up all the patience and daring that this art demands: patience in relation to nature which presides; daring for the winemaker, who observes, chooses and assists. The wine will be the faithful expression of this alchemy.

Ermitage wines possess a rich historical past. They were appreciated as early on as Roman times when they were enjoyed (as well as Côte Rotie wines) under the name of "Vienne wines" and were later to be called "Saint Christopher's hillside wines" because of a chapel there bearing the saint's name. They were also to be known of as " Tournon wines ".
The name of Ermitage probably first appeared in the XVIIth Century in memory of Henry Gaspard, a knight from Stérimberg: who having come back from the Crusades (in the XIIIth Century) and tired of waging war, lived as a hermite on a hillside which had been given to him by Anne of Castille, Queen of Spain. There he planted a vineyard. Alexander Dumas as well as the Tsar Nicholas II are among the many connoisseurs of this particularly highly estimated wine.

Country of Origin:
Rhone, France

White/Blanc (Still)

Grape Variety:
Marsanne. The vines (more than 50 years old) give low production and guarantee high quality.

The grapes are hand-harvested generally at very good maturity (the potential alcohol content is above 14% vol.). After pressing the entire grapes, the must is cold settling between 24 and 48 hours.
About 50% of the volume is vinified in big new wooden barrels (600 liters), the others ferment in vats.

Before bottling, the wine is aged in casks, with stirrings of the lees, and is checked by frequent tastings.
This is organoleptic criteria which determine the length of the wooded period. In general, bottling happens from 10 to 12 months after harvesting.


Tasting Notes:
Colour : golden yellow, brilliant.
Nose : intense, very mineral, celery overtones, slight and well-integrated hint of wood.
Mouth : ample attack, well-rounded, fine exotic freshness, roasted almond.
According to the vintage, the wine can be kept from 30 to 60 years, indeed from 50 to 75 years.