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曾在著名酒莊Domaine Comte Armand和Bruno Clair工作,本身是加拿大法國人的Pascal Marchand在1983年隻身由蒙特利爾去到布根地開始他的釀酒生涯,當時只有21歲的他跑去Beaune唸了一年葡萄種植和釀造學,其間深受啟蒙老 師Henry Jayer和Michel Lafarge啟發。之後在Bruno Clair工作便與Domaine Comte Armand結下了不解之緣,其後酒莊更大膽地讓當時年輕的Pascal擔任酒莊總管,只有Comte Armand酒莊自己才知道他有什麼本事可一力承擔整個酒莊的出品,但結果卻沒有令人失望。Pascal大大提高了當時交給他管理5.3公頃的 Pommard Premier Cru葡萄園Clos des Epeneaux的質素,更將酒窖大大整理一番,把不達標準的舊木桶換掉,並重新訂立政策管理葡萄園。
他當年一直致力研究除草劑和殺菌劑對葡萄樹的影響,酒園只作人手除草,並棄用一切會滲透進樹液內的有害的殺菌劑。自1996年開始用當時尚新的Biodynamic的方法耕種並成功在1999令Comte Armand成為全Biodynamic酒園。 到現時為止,他擔當新舊世界多個酒莊的顧問,多年來他醉心於研究和釀造來自多幅頂級布根地Grand Cru和Premier Cru葡萄園的出品,在2006年開始推出自己Pascal Marchand的布根地系列。他的Pommard Clos des Epeneaux 96獲Wine Spectator選為世界100最佳葡萄酒,Michel Bettane認為那是全世界Pinot Noir葡萄酒的參考。
布爾岡Cote de Nuits, AOC Nuits Saint Georges 1er Cru
Pinot Noir
65%來自 Allier and Cher 的新木桶。陳年期間進行一次萃取。22個月陳年後裝瓶,沒有進行過濾及淨化。所有陳年工序按農曆進進行。
(2008 Vintage) 高調而且多面的鮮果香氣;中度酒體,焗製香料、像牽牛花的花香、櫻桃、玉桂味道,酸度中等,單寧不弱但由可人的味道緊緊包圍,悠長的餘韻略帶苦澀,是頂級的葡萄酒。
(2011 Vintage) 這是一支十分花香而配合礦物、野味骨幹,加上紅加侖子、藍莓香氣和味道,也有不少泥土氣息的影響,口感紮實、容易包住口腔,十分典型的Nuits感覺,也帶清新的葡萄枝味道,但會隨瓶內陳年而漸漸退去。
Formerly worked at Domaine Comte Armand and Bruno Clair, French Canadian Pascal Marchand arrived Burgundy from Montreal in 1983. Just 21, he went to Beaune to study viticulture and vinification, he was deeply inspired by Henry Jayer and Michel Lafarge. When he was working for Bruno Clair, his became much connected with Domaine Comte Armand, the winery boldly let young Pascal to become the chief winery controller, and Pascal marked his success by boosting the quality of the 5.3Ha Clos de Epeneaux of Pommard Premier Cru, he renewed below standard old oak barrels, and reset rules that manage the vineyard.
He was enthusiastic in looking into the adverse effects of herbicides and fungicides, all excessive grass is removed my hands, and stopped the use of fungicides which penetrate into tree liquids. From 1996 he started using new-at-the-time biodynamic agriculture and succeeded in turning Comte Armand into all biodynamic winery. Until now, he is the consultant of many old and new world wineries, while producing excellent wines using grand crus and premier crus from Burgundy. His Pascal Marchand Burgundy collection was released in 2006. His Pommard Clos des Epeneaux 96 was designated by The Wine Spectator as the leader among the Top 100 best wines in the world, and Michel Bettane considered it the world reference for Pinot Noir.
AOC Nuits Saint Georges 1er Cru, Cote de Nuits, Burgundy
Country of Origin:
Burgundy, France
Red/Rouge (Still)
Grape Variety:
Pinot Noir
Vinification with whole clusters, lightly crush. The alcoholic fermentation starts spontaneously but quick. One pigeage per week. Total maceration is 18 days.
65% new barrels from Allier and Cher. 1 racking during the ageing. Bottled after 22 months of ageing without any filtration or fining. All the ageing operations are carried out according to the lunar calendar.
Category: Agency Brands, Burgundy, Cote de Nuits, Pascal Marchand, Pinot Noir, Red Wines, Wines from France
Type: Wine