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Chateau Vignol AOC Entre Deux Mers Blanc 2022


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Château Vignol由Doublet家族擁有,這家族自18世紀末就紮根於波爾多。1970 年代,Bernard和Dominique Doublet夫婦於兩海之間 (Entre-Deux-Mers)開發葡萄園,地點距離Saint Emilion不到15公里,土壤以礫石和石灰岩為主。
兩海之間 (Entre-Deux-Mers)主要出產入門級的Bordeaux AOC和Bordeaux Supérieur,但在這區可以找到極出色的白酒,價錢非常公道。
如今Bernard和Dominique與兩個兒子Alexandre與Jean-Thomas更進一步,相繼在波爾多的Graves和Saint Emilion開設酒莊。


AOC Entre-Deux-Mers



Sauvignon Blanc、 Sauvignon Gris、Sémillon、Muscadelle

稻草黃​​色中,反映出金光。 香氣濃郁,混合了新鮮西梅、梨子、香草和青檸等柑橘的香氣。酒體適中,酸度清脆。Sauvignon Blanc與其他品種的混調,帶來更多香料味和花香。

Château Vignol has been owned by the Doublet family who has been rooted in Bordeaux since the end of the 18th century. In the 1970s, husband and wife Bernard and Dominique Doublet developed the vineyards, which is located in the heart of the Entre-Deux-Mers, just under 15 kilometers from Saint Emilion and planted on gravel and limestone soil.
The region is responsible for the vast majority of Bordeaux AOC and Bordeaux Supérieur wines; however, the terrific Whites produced here offer superb quality at bargain prices.
Today, they produce a number of wines with their two sons, Alexandre and Jean-Thomas , further in the regions of Graves and Saint Emilion.

AOC Entre-Deux-Mers

Country of Origin:
Bordeaux, France

White/Blanc (Still)

Grape Varieties:
Sauvignon Blanc, Sauvignon Gris, Sémillon, Muscadelle

Tasting notes:
Straw yellow with a golden reflection. Intense nose, with notes of fresh plum, pear, herbs and citrus. Good volume without too much acidity. The blend of Sauvignon Blanc with the other varieties that provide a little more spiciness and floral aromas.