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原產地 Country of origin:
Enkirch Grand Cru, Mosel, Germany
種類 Type:
白葡萄酒White/Blanc (Still)
葡萄品種 Grape Varieties:
釀造 Vinification:
在Enkircher Zeppwingert上的葡萄藤,大概是酒莊中最古老的一批,種植於深灰色的板岩石上。深深紮根於泥土內,這份剛毅造就出非常堅實、陽剛及力量型的Riesling。
In the Enkircher Zeppwingert, probably the oldest vines of the winery grow on dark gray slate. The deep roots, which reach far into the ground, produce very firm, masculine, powerful Riesling wines.
品酒筆記 Tasting Notes:
(Robert Parker's rating: 98 points)
2020 Enkircher Zeppwingert Riesling呈現閃亮的金黃色。開瓶時非常清澈、純淨、深沉、複雜,但亦充滿精緻的花香、石頭和草本的香氣,以及橡木和熟透的Riesling果香。就像高級香水般,香氣夢幻、微妙和高雅。口感同樣細緻和複雜,餘韻的鹹度活潑有張力,反映出礦物質極具影響力。這令人無法抗拒的Grand Cru,來自壯觀而陡峭的Zeppwingert,葡萄藤過百年歷史,甚至比一眾德國知名的藝術家例如Fritz Lang、Bertolt Brecht、Kurt Weill和Arnold Schönberg更早享譽國際。即使未釀造至全乾(dry),餘韻亦悠長、濃郁、圓潤。
Immich's 2020 Enkircher Zeppwingert Riesling displays a shining golden-yellow color and opens with a very clear, pure, deep, excitingly complex and dense but also fine bouquet with stony and herbal aromas as well as almond, oak and ripe Riesling fruit. The nose is subtle and sublime like a high-end perfume with a fantasy of aromas. The palate follows this with great finesse, subtleness and complexity. It's vital and tensile and highly stimulating on the salty finish that reveals palate-tickling mineral grip, which makes this an irresistible grand cru from the spectacular, steep Zeppwingert with its 100+-year-old vines that were world famous even before Fritz Lang, Bertolt Brecht, Kurt Weill or Arnold Schönberg. The finish is very long, intense and perfectly round.
Category: Agency Brands, Batterieberg, Riesling, White Wines, Wines from Germany
Type: Wine