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8月 01, 2017
講到食牛扒,好多酒友第一時間都會諗起 #Syrah🍇。而作為一個黑椒迷,近期最令我著迷嘅,就係Castell d'Encus Thalarn!呢支西班牙釀酒大師Raul Bobet嘅傑作,用上高山葡萄園種植嘅Syrah,一種葡萄,竟然用左三種釀造方法!分別係木桶,不鏽鋼缸,同埋罕有嘅12世紀古老石窖釀造,絕對係大師作品!難怪一打開支酒🍷,就有好香嘅黑胡椒香味,入口卻有豐富黑果味同礦物感!配牛扒完全一流!煎香牛扒配大師佳釀,人生如此,夫復何求!
#SENS #Senswinecellar #CastelldEncusThalarn #RaulBobet #Pepper #Steak #Stonevats #oak #stainlessSteelVats #sale #winesale #finewinesale
Most of the wine lovers may firstly think of Syrah🍇 when they are ready for steaks. As a pepper lover, Castell d'Encus Thalarn really captures my heart! This is one of the masterpieces of Raul Bobet. The syrah grape of the wine is from the vineyard of high-altitude region and fermented in three materials: oak barrels, stainless steel vats and ancient stone vats from the 12th century. That’s why when you open the bottle🍷, there is a strong peppery aroma running into your nose! But when you take a sip, the fruitiness of black fruits explodes within your mouth and the minerality comes at the end! It is always the best partner of steak! Enjoy your steak with such a bottle of lovely wine, what a life!