Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.


8月 22, 2017

Ximenez-Spinola PX 口感醇厚,又有🍯蜂蜜焦糖般嘅甜香,本身已經令人飲完又想再飲。如果將佢加入傳統甜品,又會係乜野感覺?一於等以下呢位台灣侍酒師話你知!將PX甜酒加入到冰凍台式珍珠豆花中,除左可以代替黑糖外,PX獨有嘅酸度,更可以中和豆花本身甜度🍭!夜晚宵夜食甜品,一於雪定支PX看門口!


#SENS #Senswinecellar #XimenezSpionola #Sherry #PedroXimenez #spanishwine #dessertwine

【😋A wine that can be drunk and eaten: PX with Tofu custard】

Ximenez-Spinola PX has a rich body and the sweetness of🍯 honey and caramel, making drinkers keep refilling their glasses. If we pour PX into traditional desserts, what will it taste like? A Taiwanese sommelier made some new try to add PX into iced tofu custard. PX does not only serve as an alternative to brown sugar, but the acidity of which also neutralizes the sweetness🍭 of tofu custard! Let’s prepare a bottle of PX in your refrigerator to pair with your night desserts!