Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.

給快要凍死的人一杯Hot Toddy☕

1月 18, 2018

自問十分怕凍❄️,冬天對我黎講簡直係個惡夢。但面對惡夢,日子都係要過。唯有手中有杯Hot Toddy,先可暖一暖胃。

其實Hot Toddy除左用Bourbon whisky外,用Brandy,Rum及Rye Whisky一樣得,再加上檸檬,熱水,蜂蜜或者白糖,就沖到一杯暖胃神物!據說呢杯簡單熱飲仲有防感冒之用!酒精帶黎嘅暖意,加上熱檸檬水溫和嘅感覺,喺「港式濕凍」嘅折磨下,😌未嘗唔係一杯救命特飲。下個禮拜又有寒流襲港,與其匿入棉胎開暖爐,不如整杯Hot Toddy暖暖胃。

#SENS #Senswinecellar #Hottoddy #Bourbonwhisky #whisky #cocktail #winrterdrink

I admit I am really afraid of cold weather❄️. Winter is a nightmare to the people of my kind. But life must go on even you believe it’s just a nightmare, in which the only thing you want is just a cup of Hot Toddy to warm your stomach.

In addition to the classic recipe with Bourbon whisky added into Hot Toddy, spirits like brandy, rum or rye whisky are also alternatives. Just simply mix your spirits with a slice of lemon, hot water, honey or white sugar, you can make Hot Toddy of your own style. It is said that this winter drink can help prevent you from getting cold or flu! With the warmth from the heated spirits, as well as the refreshing aroma from the hot lemon water, Hot Toddy is a 😌life-saving drink under the torturing winter of Hong Kong style. The observatory predicted that there will be a cold current coming to Hong Kong next week. Instead of hiding yourself in your quilt, why not treat yourself a cup of Hot Toddy? Yes, I am telling myself…
