開瓶Bessa Valley的酒,需要開放的心胸,因它坦率的風格表露無遺,既然風土早就給予先天條件,何需有所克制保留!?不然這也未免太羞澀,違背了保國祖先色雷斯人毫無保留率直的性格!
1983 年,Joseph-Hubert von Neipperg伯爵希望自己多個子女之一來接管Canon La Gaffelière酒莊,當時26歲的Stephan曾先後在德國以及法國的巴黎、蒙彼利埃留學,並獲取了經濟學、管理學和農學方面的職業技能。博學多才、對歷史書籍與古典音樂有著濃厚興趣的他,接受了父親的提議,來到了這座葡萄園。
其後兩年,Stephan von Neipperg先生細緻入微地瞭解酒莊每一塊土地。他開始學習所有必須的工藝與技術,讓自己釀造出的葡萄酒「無與倫比、自成一派、感性動人」。直至今日,他仍舊孜孜不倦地探索葡萄種植與葡萄酒釀造行業內的每一個細微環節。 1985年,Stephan von Neipperg先生正式成為酒莊管理者,他著手全面重新定義Canon La Gaffelière酒莊的產出價值。Stephan von Neipperg先生的個性和他所具備的創業者的素質引導著企業的未來。通過煥發出每塊葡萄種植土地獨具的魅力,他會令未來收購的每一座葡萄園都昇華為一份寶貴的遺產。他對葡萄酒的熱忱將躍出聖艾美倫地區,影響到更遠的地方,包括保加利亞和南非。
Domaine Bessa Valley is now the best selling Bulgarian wine in the United Kingdom.
Owned by Dr. Karl-Heinz Hauptmann (Left) and
Count Stephan von Neipperg (Owner of Ch. Canon la Gaffeliere (Saint-Emilion Grand Cru Classe) and La Mondotte)
Count Stephan von Neipperg was tasting samples for Bessa Valley to decide the final assemblage of the new vintage.
In 1983, Joseph-Hubert von Neipperg asked one of his children to take charge of Canon La Gaffelière. At age 26, Stephan had a solid background in finance, management, and agronomy thanks to his education not only in Germany, but also in Paris and Montpellier.
Stephan von Neipperg spent the next two years becoming intimately acquainted with the estate. He discovered the countless operations necessary to make wine, "a unique and emotional product". He continues to perfect his mastery of the many facets of winemaking, from the vineyard to the cellar, as well as ageing in barrel and in bottle, and international sales and marketing. As opposed to other agricultural products, Stephan von Neipperg believes that "added value in wine is always rewarded". He therefore decided to take a path from which he has never since deviated: to make the most of his terroir and to adopt a long-term approach.
Stephan von Neipperg was officially named estate manager and proceeded to make in-depth changes at Canon La Gaffelière. He started by making a complete analysis of data concerning his vineyard and then drew logical conclusions of what needed doing. His personality and entrepreneurial spirit quickly left their mark. He went on to acquire other vineyards, succeeding in making the most of their specific terroirs as well. His passion for winegrowing also extended beyond Saint-Emilion, including Bulgaria and South Africa.
Enira is the wine made in Bessa Valley
“Our wine is for pleasure – we serve it before dinner and during dinner. I’ve chosen Bulgaria because of the magnificent terroir. With Enira we revive the image of the Bulgarian wines worldwide. I can’t find competitive wine internationally like Enira.
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