Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.
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Beatrice 和 Sebastien Fillon 決定買入 10 公頃的酒莊 Clos du Serres,來顛覆了他們的生活,因為那完全和他們兩人當時的生活背道而馳。生於 St Etienne,Sebastian 在郊外農村長大,所以他熟知如何在田野工作,但那是來自 Montpellier 的 Beatrice 選擇了那個環境。「我們希望改變生活,搬到仍然有土地可以開墾的南方。」他們選擇這新工作來重建生活,放棄只追求速度,愈來愈變得不真實的生活。
Beatrice and Sebastien Fillon decided to turn their lives upside down by buying the 10 hectare domaine, the Clos du Serres. It was a total change of direction for Beatrice and for Sebastien. Born in St Etienne, Sebastien grew up in a rural, agricultural environment, so he knew about working the land. It was Beatrice, who hailed from Montpellier, who chose the area : ‘We wanted to change our lives, to move south to the only region where there is still land to clear’. They chose this new occupation to rebuild their lives, ‘to abandon a lifestyle where speed was of the essence, which seemed more and more unreal’.