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Domaine Dubois Bernard & Fils (Vigneron Independant) - Chorey Les Beaune, Bourgogne

“我是一個釀酒師,我擁有我的土地,我釀造我的酒,也親自為我的酒裝瓶。”---Domaine Dubois Bernard Et Fils第五代傳人Jacques Dubois。

酒莊是Vigneron-Independent de France (VIF 法國獨立酒農協會) 會員之一,VIF旨在幫助規模小的獨立酒莊,並聯合和支持他們在與葡萄酒釀酒合作社的競爭中保持獨立的身份。並不是所有小型酒農都能參與這個協會。因為要成為會員,必須符合以下條件:尊重風土,在自家的葡萄園耕作及收穫,自己釀酒,自己裝瓶,並保持葡萄種植傳統。

Domaine Dubois Bernard Et FilsBurgundyCote de Beaune 4個村莊擁有共13公頃葡萄園,分別是Chorey-Les-BeaunesSavigny-Les-Beaune,Aloxe CortonBeaune。這個小型的酒莊,在1850年成立,目前已到達第五代。他們種植的葡萄樹,為樹齡平均達五十年,種植過程僅用耕犁,不使用任何化學產品抑制雜草的生長。

然而像Domaine Dubois Bernard Et Fils這種小酒莊,除了能釀出富獨立風格的酒外,美酒背後往往有一份情,一份只有家人才能了解的情。酒莊現任主人Jacques Dubois,致力令家族釀酒傳統傳承下去,在ChoreySavigny的小小農田中,釀出最能反映風土的葡萄酒。在2009年,酒莊上任主人,Jacque的表兄弟,Jean-Luc Dubois不幸英年早逝,留下了妻子及年幼的女兒。面對巨變,Jacques決定承擔起管理酒莊的重擔,在小女兒長大以前,暫時托管酒莊,讓Jean-Luc留下的技術不會後繼無人。一瓶葡萄酒,除了能表達了酒莊的風土,也表達出一種傳承的精神,讓小酒莊的釀酒哲學及技術得以流傳下去。


I’m winemaker, I’m owner of my land, I vinified and bottling my wine--- the fifth generation of Domaine Dubois Bernard Et Fils, Jacques Dubois.

Domaine Dubois Bernard Et Fils is a member of Vigneron-Independent de France (VIF). VIF aims to aid and unite small and independent wineries to maintain their characters, in order to compete with wine co-operatives. But not all small growers can take part in this association. To become a member, the winery must meet the following criteria: 1). Respect terroirs 2).Grow and harvest grapes in its own vineyard, finish the whole wine-making and bottling process by themselves, and maintain the tradition of growing grapes.

Domaine Dubois Bernard Et Fils owns 13 hectares of vineyards in the four villages in Cote de Beaune, Burgundy. They are Chorey-Les-Beaunes, Savigny-Les-Beaune, Aloxe Corton and Beaune. This tiny winery was established in 1850. The current owner and the winemaker, Jacques Dubois, is the fifth generation of the family, to make wine in the region. The average ages of their vines are more than 50 years old. Only the plough is used in the vineyard and no chemicals are used to suppress the growth of weeds.

Small wineries like Domaine Dubois Bernard Et Fils not only can produce characteristic wines, but also wines with stories behind. Jacques Dubois aims to continue the family’s tradition of making terroir-pure wines in the small vineyards of Chorey and Savigny. In 2009, a tragedy struck the Dubois family when Jean-Luc Dubois (Jacques’ cousin) died at a very young age. Leaving behind a wife, young daughter and winery, Jacques decided to take on the responsibility of maintaining the vineyards owned by Jean-Luc so that they can be passed down to his daughter once she became of age. Until that happens, he committed himself to honoring his cousin by maintaining Jean-Luc’s winemaking legacy. A bottle of wine does not only demonstrate the terroirs of the wineries, but also an attitude, which accentuates the inheritance of wine-making philosophy and technique.


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