Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.
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Franck Massard 早在18 年以前便開始了侍酒師的生涯,1996 年更榮獲英國最佳侍酒師名譽,然而他對釀造自己的葡萄酒懷著更大的熱情。他並沒有選擇到法國尋找他的葡萄園,反而在西班牙,從一個的士司機購買了一塊種有90年 Carignan 的小土地,開始實現他的夢想。他以頂級葡萄酒侍酒師的經驗和知識, 在Priorat 地區釀造了他的第一枝葡萄酒Huellas,他的指紋就在標籤上作為印証。
Franck Massard was trained as a sommelier and he was the Best Sommelier in the UK in 1996, but he has great passion of making wines of his own. He had noted that instead of acquiring vineyards in France, he chose to pursue his dream in Spain starting from acquiring a single plot of 90 year old Carignan from a taxi driver, with his previous knowledge in wine and as a top sommelier, he made his first debut exceptional Priorat named Huellas with his fingerprints on the label as the name suggested.
His wines are focusing on terroir, his own vineyards and nurturing the best partnerships with high quality vine growers in Spain. This combination allows him to develop a modern and elegant wine range, focused on drinkability, pleasure and sharing. His goal is to supply high quality price ratio wines, selected and made by professionals.