Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.
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P-U-R 的 Florian Looze 是店舖總監、市場總監、釀酒師和 P-U-R SARL 經理之一。他說自己是清潔工人、速遞工人、店員、會計師、釀酒師和偶爾飲酒的人,他覺得他有太多特質,未必有足夠空間寫出來,但一樣東西他十分肯定的是,他是一個絕不妥協的人。
他對自己的葡萄有絕對信心,所以他不使用除草劑、殺蟲劑,是認證有機耕種。Florian 以最自然的方法釀,平時只使用十分少或者沒有二氧化硫添加,或沒有種植添加物,他希望創作一些與標準與別不同的酒,純淨和誠實,並希望飲家能接觸到價錢、質素都優質,而同愉悅的酒。
Florian Looze of P-U-R is the director of shops, marketing director, winemaker and co-manager of P-U-R SARL. He claims himself the cleaning man, delivery man, storekeeper, accountant, winemaker and occasional drinker, he thinks he has so much qualities that there is not any enough space to write out all. One thing that he is the most sure about is, he is the man who never says YES.
He has complete confidence in the quality of grapes: no herbicide, insecticide and pesticide, certified Bio. Florian Looze vinify these wines in the most natural way possible, often with little or no sulfur and no oenological input. He wants to create wines that are the opposite of standardisation, pure and honest with the desire to make wine accessible to the beautiful quality / price / pleasure.