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Sole Distributor of Champagne Tarlant in Hong Kong
Benoît Tarlant 是 Tarlant 的第十二代承繼者,並成為家族的代表,為家族釀酒。他負責 Tarlant 酒莊的新市場發展,當然也投身酒莊中工作。
在投身 Tarlant 前,Benoît 在 International Wine Office 修讀其碩士時,到訪過全球多個葡萄酒產區。Benoît 思想開明,知識廣博,同時是繼承其酒莊祖先珍貴的釀酒知識的人,他的釀酒風格展現他的嚴謹、熱情和對味道的狂熱追求。在他的釀酒技術下,天氣、風土和水果都得帶到酒中,他也希望每款酒也能發揮到以上條件,他的大膽實驗為 Tarlant 酒莊更上一層樓。
Benoît Tarlant has started working in the family business as a representative the 12th generation of Tarlant winemakers. He looks after the development of new markets for the House of Tarlant, as well as involving himself in winery work.
Before joining the Estate, Benoît visited many different winegrowing regions world-wide while studying for his master's at the OIV (International Wine Office). Open-minded and cultivated, and as an inheritor of the precious legacy of knowledge of previous winemaking generations, his style of winemaking demonstrates his rigour, his passion and his avid exploration of taste. With weather, terroir and fruit transcended by his winemaking choices, he wants each wine to express its very essence. The audacity of his experiments adds a new dimension to the edifice, that is Tarlant.