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Catalina Sounds目的是釀造最佳的紐西蘭Sauvignon Blanc。 質量極高,他們的Sauvignon Blanc現已成為全澳洲高端Sauvignon Blanc中銷量第一。老闆John是最早期在Marlborough區視察的人,當時Marlborough並不是有名的產區,只有少過五間酒莊,80年代初John便跟那時剛成立的Cloudy Bay酒莊合作,還做他們的澳洲分銷,當時酒莊還未被LVMH(路威酩軒集團)下,並一直釀造令人嘆為觀止的Sauvignon Blanc。直到2003年Cloudy Bay被路威酩軒集團買下,John並沒有繼續跟他們合作和分銷,然後John便另外尋找更好的地方釀造心目中完美的Sauvignon Blanc,遂沿用過往的知識,而更推進一步,便決心在2005年成立了這初生嬰兒Catalina Sounds,繼續釀造高質量的Sauvignon Blanc,另外還釀造令人驚喜的Pinot Noir和Pinot Gris。因其座落在漂亮的峽灣和獨特的地理環境,穿越峽灣坐海陸飛機比開車方便,於是酒莊便用那時穿越峽灣的海陸飛機Catalina來命名酒莊,加上Sound是峽灣,便叫Catalina Sounds,令人聯想起飛機穿過峽灣的情境。
Catalina水陸兩用飛機在二次大戰期間,在南太平洋的航道上扮演重要角色。這隻美麗而且記載著歷史的戰鳥,全球已所剩無幾,酒莊為了讓這些戰鳥能繼續翱翔天際,便繼續贊助其運作,讓它們仍能穿梭於Marlborough峽灣與Waihopai Valley的天空中。
酒莊出品的葡萄酒,就如Catalina飛機一樣,劃破Marlborough峽灣的靜蘊青空。閉上眼,喝一口Catalina sounds的葡萄酒,彷彿聽到長空中的一聲吶喊,叫人細味無窮。
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Winemaker: Peter Jackson | Catalina - Named for the majestic sea planes of WWII |
Our journey started in 2005 with a singular vision to produce the best wines in the Marlborough region. Named after the majestic Catalina sea planes that were vital transport across the vast Marlborough Sounds, Catalina Sounds produces wines that are unique with minimum intervention and are true to their vineyard sites while capturing the best of the region.
We have evolved since our humble origins to become the number one selling premium New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc in Australia. We push the boundaries with our Catalina Sounds Sauvignon Blanc. Beautiful fruit purity and regional expression is not good enough. We are chasing subtle nuance and texture, making an intriguing wine that holds and builds your interest, A harmony of flavours that is uniquely Catalina Sounds.
Now we are pushing into new varieties such as Pinot Noir and Pinot Gris. We have also created a single vineyard range from our home vineyard Sound of White and a sister brand Crowded House.