Cahors乃是古老品種Malbec的發源地, Jean Luc Baldes 先生是 Cahors 產區的頂級酒莊巴爾帝酒莊(Clos Triguedina) 莊主。酒莊名為嚮往晚餐, 因這是天主教徒朝聖者必經之路, 古時人們在漫長的朝聖之路途經這裡住宿和吃飯, 所以亦代表是時候稍作休息再往目標進發!
這位天才的釀酒師用自信和執著詮釋著如何選取最好的風土,打造頂級的佳釀。作為家族獨立酒莊第七代傳承者的 Jean Luc Baldes 先生,不僅繼承了他們對釀酒事業的熱情與摯愛,他也懂得如何在不失傳統的基礎上釀造最好的葡萄酒。
必須承認的是學習是個循序漸進的過程,通過他的祖父和父親珍貴的教誨和傳授,以及後來他在波爾多和勃艮第擔任釀酒師的實踐,讓他成為偉大的釀酒師。值得一提的是,在Jean Luc Baldes 先生豐富的職業生涯中,擁有在 Médoc 和在 Barsac 工作的經歷,他曾在貴腐甜酒名莊Chateau Coutet工作過,他亦親自釀製獲多個酒評家一致好評的L'Or du Clos貴腐甜酒,對其後來接管家族酒莊後的管理和發展起了重要的影響。
這些經歷使他萌發了對巴爾帝家族酒莊引入栽培技術,提高發酵工藝和專注特殊釀酒工藝的渴望。所想所做的一切都是為了得到更嚴謹高品質的有特色的葡萄酒。如今Jean Luc Baldes先生在他的妻子 Sabine 及高效的團隊共同的努力下,不斷塑造巴爾帝酒莊的國際新形象。眾多巴爾帝酒莊葡萄酒成為法國總統府、法國國家參議院、法國眾議院、和當地政府及巴黎星級酒店的指定產品。也相繼贏得倫敦哈洛斯百貨、紐約麗池酒店、法國航空、眾多米芝蓮星級餐廳以及各國五星級飯店等客戶等肯定。產品的特色性也獲得眾多專業媒體的青睞。並且在世界知名的紅酒競賽中多次榮獲各種獎項。
酒莊莊主Jean Luc Baldes先生,專業的 Malbec 葡萄釀酒師,五十來歲的家族繼承人,也是 5 個孩子的父親,努力做好酒莊的每一件事,全心全意對家族的產業和酒莊文化的傳承認真負責。 經營事業的同時亦是在經營家庭和家族精神!
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Jean-Luc Baldès is one of the leading figures in the Cahors wine region.
The determined attitude of this talented wine-grower has led him to acquire a profound understanding of how to get the best out of his lands and make great wines from them.
Jean-Luc Baldès, the seventh successive generation in charge of the estate, has known how to take his varied range of wines to the highest level of quality while maintaining the best of his forebears wine-growing traditions.
He would be the first to say how much he owes to the teaching of his father and grandfather as well as his wine studies in Burgundy and the Bordeaux region.
He also had several professional experiences of vine cultivation in the Médoc and Barsac regions.
All this inspired him with a desire for the Clos Triguedina vineyards to acquire the best techniques he had learned – in vine growing, vinification and the production of specific wines – to be directed throughout at placing the highest demands on quality.
Today, Jean-Luc Baldès and his wife Sabine reap the fruits of their labour but never fail to stress the importance of their team and its invaluable work. Their wines are supplied to nationally-famed restaurants and to the country’s highest institutions: the President of the Republic at the Elysée Palace, the Senate and the National Assembly, and individual Ministries.