Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.

法國釀酒大師與保加利亞皇牌葡萄酒專訪 French winemaker and his Bulgarian wine interview

August 01, 2015

釀酒師不但決定酒的風格與質素,更包括酒的命運。保加利亞皇帝級酒莊Domaine Bessa Valley釀酒師Marc Dworkin先生一直非常成功地把他的美酒系列ENIRA推至世界舞台,且獲得不少好評。在7月《WINE.LUXE》雜誌的獨家專訪中,Marc 就向大家介紹了他引以為傲的東歐聖艾美倫計劃的來龍去脈與發展,他在訪問中亦透露了關於他的最新白酒計劃!關心這個保加利亞著名酒莊的朋友,請即到各大美酒銷售點索取《WINE.LUXE》!

Winemakers usually not only decide the style and quality of the wine, but also its fate. Marc Dworkin who is responsible for making wines in Bulgarian Domaine Bessa Valley, the king class winery in the region, has been very successful in putting his wines ENIRA to international stages.

In an exclusive interview of Mr Dworkin inside the July issue of ‘WINE.LUXE’, he shared with us the intriguing story and development of his Saint-Emilion project in eastern Europe, and most importantly his new plan about white wine! Please get your copy now and it’s available for free at various wine outlets!

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