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Tim Smith 集中釀造 Mataro、Grenache 和 Shiraz 的酒,他從 Eden Valley 取得不少優質葡萄釀造他的Eden Valley Riesling 和 Eden Valley Viognier。
Tim 於 1987 年在 Yalumba 開始他的葡萄酒事業,15年後得到 Yalumba 團隊支持,他得到了葡萄酒科學學位並成為釀酒師,他亦取得Barossa Valley / Rhone Valley 釀酒師交換計劃的釀酒師交換生獎學金,此後他於 St Hallett、Tatachilla 及 Chateau Tanunda當釀酒師。
由 Tim Smith 一雙熟練的手釀造出來的酒已贏得無數國內與國際獎項,在 Berlin Wine Show 2010 贏得 12 個獎牌是最為人注目。而於 2010 年的 London International Wine Show 也點出了 Tim 的釀酒功架,他贏得在同級酒中的3個金牌和3個最佳獎項,其中一款就是他的 2009 MGS (Mataro Grenache Shiraz) 。
Tim 也曾於北半球工作,包括法國和葡萄牙。
澳洲 Mclaren Vale & Barossa Valley
此酒來自 40 至 90 年的老樹,比起它的兄弟,此酒有多一點新橡木桶。它深紫色,加上強勁的果味香氣,中度至飽滿酒體,純淨得漂亮,雕琢得優美的性格,中度酒精,少許緊致的總體印象。給它兩至三年瓶中陳年,也可以再未來十多年享受。
Tim Smith focuses on making wines from the regions time proven varietals of Mataro, Grenache and Shiraz, he also sources a exceptional parcels of fruit from Eden Valley for his Eden Valley Riesling and Eden Valley Viognier.
Tim Smith started his wine career as a cellar hand at Yalumba in 1987. 15 years later, with considerable support from the Yalumba team, he was Winemaker with a wine science degree under his belt and won the Winemaker Exchange Scholarship as part of the Barossa Valley/Rhone Valley Winemaker Exchange Program. Since then he has worked as a Winemaker with St Hallett, Tatachilla and Chateau Tanunda.
Wines made under the deft hand of Tim Smith have won countless awards domestically and internationally, one of the more notable hauls was a staggering 12 Gold Medals at the Berlin Wine Show in 2010. The 2010 London International Wine Show also highlighted Tim’s winemaking prowess, he was responsible for 3 Gold Medals and 3 Best in Class, one of the latter being for the Tim Smith Wines 2009 MGS (Mataro Grenache Shiraz).
Tim Smith has also worked on numerous Northern hemisphere vintages, most notably in Portugal and France.
Mclaren Vale & Barossa Valley, Australia
Country of Origin:
Red/Rouge (Still)
Grape Variety:
Tasting Notes:
The 2005 Shiraz is fashioned from 40- to 90-year-old vines and sees a bit more new oak than its sibling. Its opaque purple color is followed by superb fruit on the attack, medium to full body, a beautifully pure, nicely nuanced personality, moderate alcohol (14.8%), and a slightly closed overall impression. Give it 2-3 years of bottle age and consume it over the following decade.