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Banyuls就是vins doux naturels,即是加烈甜酒,類似他們的Muscats,也近似於Rousillon其他地區出產的Rivelsaltes。這些美味的甜酒就是他們產品系列中的珍品,採用生於頁岩上的梯田,那裡被Banyuls和Collioure兩個小港口的地中海海岸線環繞。Pierre Gaillard 常被 Banyuls郊外的崎嶇美態吸引,也意識到那裡甚有潛力的風土。
於2002年,他購入了 Pagès 舊村落,再和Banyuls一個有15公頃面積的葡萄園擁有者Jean Baills及他兒子Mathieu合夥。Baills 對風土的知識配合Gaillard的釀酒天賦,加上設備齊全的釀酒廠,為葡萄園和葡萄酒添上新生命。
90 % Grenache noir, 10 % Grenache gris.
人手收成,於大缸發酵。傳統的Banyuls是由幾個年分的酒調合而成。當剩下 80g/l 糖時,即加入99%的純酒精成加烈酒,然後再於30hl的木桶或玻璃demijohn放於太陽下加速氧化,節省陳年所需時間。
4,000 瓶
For the uninitiated, Banyuls are vins doux naturels, fortified sweet wines, akin to their own Muscats and similar to, but a step above, the Rivesaltes produced in the rest of Roussillon. These delicious sweet wines, some of the best kept secrets in the portfolio, hail from parcels on the spectacular schist terraces that hug the coastline as it twists around the Mediterranean between the little ports of Banyuls and Collioure. Pierre Gaillard had always been fascinated by the rugged beauty of the Banyuls countryside as by the huge potential of the terroir. In 2002, he purchased the old estate of Pagès and went into partnership with Jean Baills and his son Mathieu, owners of a 15ha vineyard in Banyuls. The combination of Baills’ knowledge of the terroir and Gaillard’s talents as a winemaker, as well as a well-equipped cellar has resulted in a rejuvenation of both the vineyards and the wines.
Country of Origin:
Red/Rouge (Still)
Grape Varieties:
90 % Grenache noir, 10 % Grenache gris.
Hand-picked harvest. Fermentation in vats. The traditional red Banyuls is a blended vintage. When about 80 g/l of residual sugar is left over, the wine is muted with pure alcohol (99 % vol.). The wine is then matured in a 30 hl cask or a glass demi-john left out in the sun to provoke oxidation, and therefore quicker ageing.
4,000 bottles
Tasting notes:
This rancio develops prune, dried fruit and gingerbread aromas. Offers good length with coffee and walnut notes on the finish.
Category: Agency Brands, Dessert Wines, Madeloc, Wines from France
Type: Wine