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HK$950.00 HK$1,050.00
Chateau Beychevelle 位於波爾多左岸名村聖祖利安村(St Julien),由 Foix de Candale 於 1446 年創立。1587 年家族後人的女兒 Marguerite 嫁給當時波爾多的地區總督 Duc D'Epernon,Chateau Beychevelle 成為她的嫁妝送予 D'Epernon 家族。
Duc D'Epernon 官運亨通,並深得法王亨利三世器重,後來他成為了法國海軍總司令,得到不少人的崇拜和尊敬。
Chateau Beychevelle 在聖祖利安村靠近吉隆河邊的土地上,後花園一直延伸到河邊,可看到往來的船隻。船上的人知道海軍總將居於莊園內,都向他敬禮。但由於河面太寬,用手敬禮未必能看得見,因此他們斜下半帆表示敬禮。船員經過這裡都會大喊 “Baisse-Voile”,是法文的下半帆之意。總司令聽見後非常喜歡,所以決定酒莊以一艘下半帆的龍船作為標記,並以讀音相近的 “Beychevelle” 代表 "Baisse-Voile” 為酒莊名字。
Chateau Beychevelle 於波爾多 1855 年列級酒莊中,被評為四級莊。
波爾多 AOC Saint Julien
48% Cabernet Sauvignon, 47% Merlot, 5% Cabernet Franc
(James Suckling's rating: 96 points)
2009 年份細膩、精緻,帶有複雜的香氣及醋栗、煙燻、礦物和鉛筆芯的風味。酒體飽滿,單寧極為細緻,餘韻悠長。這是一款美妙融合的 Beychevelle ...... 具豐富的陳年潛質。
Château Beychevelle, the "Versailles of the Médoc", could only be expected to produce excellent wine. It is a Fourth Classified Grand Cru Classe in the 1855 classification, combining elegance with character and finesse with balance.
This outstanding 90-hectare vineyard, planted on deep, Garonne-gravel soil, has a wine growing tradition dating from the Middle Ages. More modern selection, winemaking, and ageing techniques also contribute towards the finished wine's perfection.
Château Beychevelle has been granted the double accreditation of “Terra Vitis” and “Sustainable Viticulture”. Beychevelle is called the "Versailles of the Médoc" as a tribute to the château's elegant classical architecture and French gardens. The château's character has been tempered by three centuries of history in the hands of several powerful families, influential in the economic, political, and cultural life of the Bordeaux area, and even further afield.
AOC Saint Julien, Bordeaux
Country of Origin:
Bordeaux, France
Red/Rouge (Still)
Grape Varieties:
48% Cabernet Sauvignon, 47% Merlot, 5% Cabernet Franc
Alcohol Content:
Tasting Notes:
(James Suckling's rating: 96 points)
A subtle, refined 2009 with complex aromas and flavors of currant, smoke, mineral and lead pencil. Full body with ultra-refined tannins and a long, long finish. An integrated, beautiful Beychevelle ... a wine for long-term aging.
Category: Bordeaux, Fine Wines, Red Wines, Saint-Julien, Wines from France
Type: Wine