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Chateau L'Eglise Clinet風格樸實,毗鄰當地著名的Saint-Jean教堂。(L'Eglise是教堂的意思)。它與另一酒莊Clos l'Eglise,只相隔一條小巷。
已故的莊主及釀酒師Denis Durantou才情洋溢,他於1983年接掌酒莊,成功將這小酒莊變成Pomeral的明星。其卓越的葡萄酒以豐富、集中和平衡的酒體而聞名。
4.2公頃的葡萄園種植了 85%的Merlot、14% 的Cabernet Franc,最後1%是年代久遠的Malbec。葡萄酒通常在80%的新橡木桶中陳年。
Pomerol, Bordeaux
90% Merlot, 10% Cabernet Franc
(Robert Parker's rating: 94 points)
2013年的L'Eglise Clinet具有非常精確、緊密纏繞的香氣。帶有石灰岩和紅莓果香,Merlot富有表現力,散發出美妙的花香,有一種近似布根地的氣息。酒體中等、單寧細膩。核心是新鮮的柑橘、活潑的紅色水果,口感絲滑,風格平易近人,餘韻平衡…Denis Durantou是一位能夠克服最艱難的生長季節的釀酒師!
Chateau L'Eglise Clinet is a modest estate situated next to the high-spired church in Pomerol. The Chateau and its neighbour, Clos l'Eglise, is separated only by a narrow lane.
The late Denis Durantou, a highly respected owner and winemaker took over the estate in 1983. He turned this tiny estate into a star in Pomeral which is famed for its excellent quality with the mixture of opulence, concentration and body.
Its 4.2 hectares of vineyard is typically a blend of 85% Merlot, 14% Cabernet Franc and 1% of very old Malbec wines. The wine is typically aged in 80 percent new oak.
Durantou died in 2020, his daughters Noémie and Constance have taken over with the same passion.
Country of Origin:
Pomerol, Bordeaux
Red/Rouge (Still)
Grape Varieties:
90% Merlot, 10% Cabernet Franc
Tasting Notes:
(Robert Parker's rating: 94 points)
The 2013 L'Eglise Clinet has a very precise, tightly wound bouquet with limestone-tinged, brambly red berry fruit, the Merlot still very expressive and imparting comely floral scents. There is something almost Burgundy-like about the nose. The palate is medium-bodied with fine tannin surrounding a core of citrus-fresh, lively red fruit, silky smooth in texture, approachable in style, with an almost symmetrical finish... Bravo Denis Durantou - a winemaker that can overcome even the most deplorable of growing seasons!
Category: Bordeaux, Fine Wines, Pomerol, Red Wines, Wines from France
Type: Wine