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酒莊名字取自兩位以前擁有者。一位貴族名叫Sociando於 1633 年持有此物業,超過一世紀後,酒莊的第二部分名字,是因為一位海軍船長以 Mallet 之名擁有此物業,那是這位 Mallet 把兩個名連結一起,令酒莊成為 Sociando Mallet。而酒莊的現代年代於 1969 年開始,那是 Tereygeol 家族的 Jean Gautreau 購入酒莊。
波爾多 AOC Haut Medoc
Cabernet Sauvignon 55%, Merlot 40%, Cabernet Franc 5%
此酒極具深度及豐富, 亦有多層次的芳香,當中包括細小的黑車厘子,藍莓及黑梨的味道。比起之前的年份亦較為豐富。酒體中等,有多汁成熟的單寧,並展現出極為結實的結構。
Sociando Mallet takes its name from two previous owners. A nobleman known as Sociando held the property in 1633. Over a century later, the second part of the estates name came from a captain in the navy who owned the estate by the name of Mallet. It was Mallet who put the two names together to form Sociando Mallet. The modern era of Chateau Sociando Mallet began in 1969, when it was purchased by Jean Gautreau from the Tereygeol family.
AOC Haut Medoc, Bordeaux
Country of Origin:
Bordeaux, France
Red/Rouge (Still)
Grape Varieties:
Cabernet Sauvignon 55%, Merlot 40%, Cabernet Franc 5%
Tasting Notes:
Deep and dark colour, aromas of little red fruits and well integrated fine oaky touch. Full bodied, straight and elegant, with a lot of freshness and depth.
It has a very intense and rich, you might say "ambitious" bouquet with layers of small black cherries, blueberry and a touch of sloes, less tertiary than previous vintages and certainly more opulent. The palate is medium-bodied with juicy ripe tannin that almost disguise the firm structure underneath.
Category: Bordeaux, Fine Wines, Red Wines, Wines from France
Type: Wine