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酒莊在Nicole d’Allard與Léonard de Suduiraut聯姻後,於1580年正式取名為Chateau Suduiraut。在投石黨運動期間遭受掠奪和焚燒的古堡於17世紀得到重建。18世紀末,Chateau Suduiraut家族的子侄輩Noaillan男爵Jean Joseph Duroy接手酒莊,酒莊遂更名為杜羅伊酒莊(Cru du Roy)。古堡內裝飾的Chateau Suduiraut和杜羅伊家族徽章邊飾是如今Chateau Suduiraut紋章的原型。由路易十四的御用造園師Le Nôtre主持設計的法式花園精美絕倫,為酒莊增色不少。
1855年4月18日,酒莊在吉倫特地區葡萄酒產區分類中被列為一級葡萄園(Premier Cru)。1992年,AXA Millésimes接手酒莊。這家酒業巨頭以保存和延續葡萄酒的歷史和文化及精湛的釀酒技藝為己任,並力求讓擁有輝煌歷史的名優葡萄酒充分表達其潛力。
波爾多 Sauternes
90% Semillon, 10% Sauvignon Blanc
The estate took the name of Suduiraut in 1580 on the marriage of Nicole d’Allard to Léonard de Suduiraut. The château was plundered and burned down during the Fronde insurrection, then rebuilt in the 17th century. It was re-named Cru du Roy in the late 18th century on being taken over by a nephew of the Suduiraut family, Jean Joseph Duroy, Baron of Noaillan. The family home then acquired a cartouche featuring the Suduiraut and Duroy coats of arms, which was to give rise to the escutcheon used by Château Suduiraut today. The property was planted with magnificent formal gardens, designed by Le Nôtre, King Louis XIV’s renowned gardener. On 18 April 1855 the estate was classed as a Premier Cru during the official wine classification programme in the Gironde winegrowing area. AXA Millésimes acquired Suduiraut in 1992 with the aim of preserving and perpetuating the estate’s remarkable tradition of vineyard management and winemaking. Inspired by the great Suduiraut wines of the past, the new management has enabled this great vineyard to fulfil its full potential in recent years.
Sauternes, Bordeaux
Country of Origin:
Bordeaux, France
Dessert Wine
Grape Varieties:
90% Semillon, 10% Sauvignon Blanc
Tasting Notes:
This is a straightforward but also opulent Suduiraut with a very pure fruit-based character, perfectly integrated sweetness and a superb finish rounded off by a fine acidity. The attack is both rich and fresh. On the palate the sweetness is expressed by notes of candied citrus followed by woody notes and liquorice, highlighting the mellow finish redolent of fruit.
Category: Bordeaux, Dessert Wines, Fine Wines, Sauternes, Wines from France
Type: Wine