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Sold Out HK$638.00
酒莊由數位葡萄農於2005年創立,他們的理想是希望可控制整個生產流程,由土壤、種植以至最後入瓶。葡萄園佔地13.85公頃,由桑特奈村(Santenay)伸延至夜丘(Côtes de Nuits),主要包括3個法定產區:Saint-Romain、Beaune及Savigny-Les-Beaune。採用有機耕作,嘗試從生物氣候學上,種出健康又優質的葡萄。
Beaune Premier Cru(來自5個不同的Premier Cru)
法國布爾岡Cote de Beaune
Pinot Noir (54年老藤)
(Allen Meadows' rating: 90points)
成熟而層次分明的香氣,包括黑櫻桃、泥土、紫羅蘭和淡淡的薰衣草。味道多汁圓潤,不及Hommage à Jean Ferté那麼濃郁;但更為細緻,尤其是結尾相當緊緻和樸實,需要時間發展出更好的深度。
(Neal Martin's rating: 90-92 points):
用Nicolas Potel已故的母親來命名。混合了5個一級園(Premier Cru)的Pinot Noir。充滿活力的櫻桃、車厘子酒及黑加侖子的香氣,比Les Teurons更濃郁。味道平衡,像多汁的紅莓在舌頭上迸發。單寧幼細,餘韻具胡椒味,悠長可愛,很不錯。
Domaine de Bellene was established in 2005 at the behest of several winegrowers. This new vineyard was created with a desire to control the entire production process, from the soil cultivation to the bottle sales.
Original 13.85-hectare-vineyard stretched from Santenay to the Côtes de Nuits Villages and produced three major appellations: Saint-Romain, Beaune and Savigny-Les-Beaune.
The wines are crafted in organic farming, trying to yield very healthy grapes of the highest quality in terms of phenology.
Beaune Premier Cru (from 5 different 1er cru)
Country of Origin:
Beaune, Cote de Beaune, Burgundy, France
Red/Rouge (Still)
Grape Variety:
Pinot Noir (Average Vine Age 54 years)
Tasting Notes:
(Allen Meadow's rating: 90 points)
Ripe and nicely layered aromas include those of black cherry, earth, violet and a hint of lavender. The succulent and round flavors are not quite as dense as those of the Hommage à Jean Ferté, but they do offer a big more finesse and particularly so on the firm and moderately austere finale. This too needs to develop better depth.
(Neal Martin's rating: 90-92 points):
The 2019 Beaune "Hommage à Françoise Potel" 1er Cru is named after Nicolas Potel’s late mother and is a blend of five Premier Crus. It has vibrant red cherries, kirsch and cassis on a nose that is more opulent than Les Teurons. The palate is well balanced with succulent red berry fruit. Fine tannins frame the peppery finish, which fans out nicely. Lovely length here. Very fine.
Category: Burgundy, Cote de Beaune, Fine Wines, Pinot Noir, Red Wines
Type: Wine