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Pierre Tarlant於Marne Valley種植葡萄樹,而Tarlant家族就於1687年開始釀酒。1928年,Louis Adrien Tarlant生產了第一支家族香檳,其後他們便於OEuilly村出產香檳,延綿四代。時至今日,於1999年傳至Benoît Tarlant手中並開始產酒。
The Tarlant family traces their winegrowing history back to 1687, when Pierre Tarlant first cultivated grapevines in the Marne Valley. In 1928, Louis Adrien Tarlant produced the family’s first estate-bottled champagne, and since then there have been four successive generations of Tarlants producing wine at their estate in the village of OEuilly. Today the estate is in the hands of Benoît Tarlant, who has been making wine here since 1999.
These are the base wine for what becomes Tarlant's Champagne however these are the still wine result after a single fermentation.
M - Pierre de Bellevue
C - L’Enclume
N - Les Crayons
OEuilly, Vallée de la Marne
產地Country of Origin:
法國香檳區Coteaux Champenois, France
白葡萄酒White/Blanc (Still)
M - 100% Pinot Meunier
C - 100% Chardonnay
N - 100% Pinot Noir
M - 伊普雷斯期白堊粘土Sparnacien (limestone and clay) from the Ypresian
C - 鵝卵型燧石Pebbles of flintstone on flint-sand
N - 坎帕期原白堊Raw chalk from the Campanian
Whole clusters, slow pressing by gravity in our Coquard champenoise press.
Cold racking after 18 hours, native yeast, fermentation in Burgundian oak-barrel, without pumping.
16 months on fine harvest lees in Burgundian oak-barrel.
Category: Agency Brands, Tarlant, White Wines, Wines from France
Type: Wine