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西班牙侍酒師冠軍Enric Soler於2003年由祖父得到在Penedès的一片小土地後,便拼命研究如何把那裡的Xarel.lo提升成為全世界最好之一,同時他亦致力令他的白酒成為Catalonia最好。在極有天份的釀酒師Esther Nin幫助下,葡萄田開始有機及生物動力耕作,2006年的白酒獲得一致好評,而由2007年開始更常常被搶購一空。
100% Xarel·lo
100% 有機耕作
Vintage 2014 - Robert Parker's rating: 93 points
2014年的Espenyalluchs是2011年在0.98公頃土地上所種植的Xarello,其土地有豐富的粘土和石質; 遵循生物動力學原理進行有機耕殖。 在第三和第四次發酵使用300L 的Burgundy酒桶,並熟成達8個月。 木桶的影響相當輕微,主要的香氣是白花、茴香和大茴,混合得非常和諧。 口感活潑,表現出極佳的能量和乾淨,專注的口味,更有一種潛藏的礦物感,非常令人喜歡。 於2015年5月入樽出產了1,280瓶。
Vintage 2017 - Robert Parker's rating: 94 points
2017 年的 Espenyalluchs 所用的 Xarello,產自佔地 0.98 公頃、於2011年在海拔400米的斜坡上開墾的葡萄園,土壤以石質為主。它在使用過的 300 升法國橡木桶中用天然酵母發酵,在桶中陳年八個月。酒精度為13%,pH 值為3.3,酸度為6克。
橡木味非常融洽,展現了 Xarello 的純粹——給人乾淨、樸素、優雅的感覺,細緻多於力量。在溫度的年份中,達至如此精確而輪廓分明的境畀,令人驚喜。Amazing!
After acquiring a small plot of land from his grandfather in 2003, the Spanish champion sommelier Enric Soler endeavored to transform the local Xarel.lo grape to produce the best wine in the world, he also worked hard to make his white wine the best in Catalonia. Under highly talented winemaker Esther Nin’s assistance, organic and biodynamic agriculture is adopted. The 2006 white wines were a huge blast to the market, and from 2007 onwards, their wines are always the most sought after and easily be sold out.
Vinya dels Taus
Country of Origin:
White/Blanc (Still)
Grape Variety:
100% Xarel· lo
100% organic farming
Tasting Note:
Vintage 2014 - Robert Parker's rating: 93 points
The 2014 Espenyalluchs is Xarello from a single 0.98-hectare plot planted in 2011 on a slope that is rich in clay and very stony; it is farmed organically following biodynamic principles. The must fermented in third and fourth use 300-liter Burgundy barrels where the wine matured for eight months. The effect of the barrels is quite light, and the dominant aromas are those of white flowers, fennel and aniseed, all of it intermixed quite harmoniously. The palate is vivacious, showing great energy and clean, focused flavors. There is an underlying minerality here that I like very much. 1,280 bottles were filled in May 2015.
Vintage 2017 - Robert Parker's rating: 93 points
The 2017 Espenyalluchs is Xarello from a 0.98-hectare vineyard planted in 2011 on stony soils on a slope at 400 meters in altitude. It fermented in used 300-liter French barriques with indigenous yeasts and without any oenological products. This was bottled at 13% alcohol with a pH of 3.3 and six grams of acidity (tartaric) after eight months in barrel. The oak is very integrated, and it shows the great purity of Xarello—it feels, clean, austere and elegant, more about finesse that power. Precise, symmetric, chiseled, and in a warm-ish year! Amazing! I see this in line with 2016 and 2014. 2,215 bottles produced.
Category: Agency Brands, Cal Raspallet, Organic Wines, White Wines, Wines from Spain, Xarel.lo
Type: Wine