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曾被2023年世界最佳品酒師排名第三的Reeze Choi選用及讚賞的El Bassots. 典堂級自然酒教主兼莊主Joan Ramon Escoda 近年已將重心放到其餐廳生意Tossal Gros,把自然酒和美食推到另一個層次。因貨量大幅減少,他的自然酒在國際市場上已更罕有,我們仍有些珍貴存貨留給知音人。
Els Bassots是Bodega Escoda-Sanahuja的D.O. Conca de Barberà, Escoda-Sanahuja於1997年開始有機耕種,並於2003年轉為生化動力農業。於2007年開始,他們停止加入二氧化硫(SO2)。酒莊屬於Grupo de Trabajo Biodinámico del Mediterráneo (Mediterranean Biodynamic Agriculture Group) 及PVN (Productores de Vinos Naturales, Natural Wine Producers),所有酒都是百分之一百天然,依據生物動力法來製造。
Chenin Blanc
Els Bassots is a D.O. Conca de Barberà white wine by Bodega Escoda-Sanahuja. Escoda-Sanahuja switched to organic farming in 1997, and in 2003 they moved on to biodynamic agriculture. Starting in 2007, they stopped adding sulphites to their wine. The winery belongs to the Grupo de Trabajo Biodinámico del Mediterráneo (Mediterranean Biodynamic Agriculture Group) and the PVN (Productores de Vinos Naturales, Natural Wine Producers). All their wines are 100 percent natural, produced according to biodynamic farming techniques.
The 2015 vintage is very bright, clean, straw-yellow colour with some golden tinges and greyish glints. Enticing aromas of dried fruits and dried flowers. Intense, focused and linear. Tense acidity, mild tannins, some bitter and citrus notions and long, complex finish with some remembrances of dry fruit, flowers and dry earth.
這瓶以生物動力法釀造嘅orange wine,裝瓶後7年,味道依然驚喜!一倒出黎第一杯有陳皮,乾花,乾果嘅香氣,Chenin Blanc竟然找到呢種味道,已經令人驚喜!Breathe一陣再斟第二杯,竟然比第一杯更Fresh,出現芒果乾,菠蘿乾同蜜蠟嘅果香,令人聯想到濃厚誘人嘅甜酒,但入口又有開胃嘅酸度,仲搵到八仙果嘅味道!
Staff Comments:
This biodynamic orange wine still surprised us after 7 years, just like its siblings El Bassots from the same winery. The aroma of the glass reminded us of the sun-dried tangerine peels and dried flower, which is a nice surprise to be found in Chenin Blanc. After letting the wine breathe for a while, it’s even fresher with the fruitiness of dried mangoes, dried pineapples and beeswax, similar to the aromas commonly found in dessert wines. Interestingly, following the appetizing acidity on the palate, the finish had a hint of licorice and menthol!
Country of Origin:
Clay, Limestone
White/Blanc (Still)
Grape Variety:
Chenin Blanc
10 Days
Aged for four month in French oak barrels.
Year Planted:
Natural Yeast
Tasting Notes:
Intense, golden veiled yellow, owing to the wine’s lack of filtration. A high intensity, complex and nuanced nose. White and yellow ripe fruit notes, citric notes, lees and sweet spices, all engulfed by a slight touch of wood. Rich on the palate with a silky smooth texture. Great, deep, aromatic acidity. A good, long and persistent finish with hints of wood. Plenty of fruit and mineral notes.
Category: Agency Brands, Chenin Blanc, Escoda Sanahuja, Organic Wines, White Wines, Wines from Spain
Type: Wine