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Gruner Veltiner (GV) 被業介視為品酒師的"秘密武器", 特別是Pichler-Krutzler那純粹的透明感和獨特的白胡椒, 西柚和礦石感個性,沒有別的方案可以代替,食物搭配性高但仍自然流露著我存在的暗示,不但沒有違和感,更增添了幾分個性。
來自Wachau的Elisabeth Pichler-Krutzler和來自Burgenland的Erich Krutzler於2006年在Wachau開設了自己的酒莊,兩夫婦都來自著名的釀酒家族(FX Pichler 和Krutzler),他們一起以優質靈魂和個性製作酒品,完全尊重自然和可持續發展的葡萄種植方式。
這些都是Erich Krutzler從九十年代定下來的足跡,當時他為家族Krutzler在Südburgenland出產出色而有性格的紅酒,這也解釋了為甚麼Burgenland Blaufränkisch會和Riesling 及 Grüner Veltliner出奇地同時出現在貨品系列中。
奧地利 Wachau
Grüner Veltliner
Grüner Veltliner生長在多瑙河沿岸的中世紀小鎮,地勢平坦,土壌由後冰河世紀沉積的沙子和礫石組成。清晨溫暖,有助釀造出果味和香料味平衡的優雅白酒。此外,早收會帶來令人愉快的酸度和合適的酒精度。
(Robert Parker's rating: 89 points)
2018年的Dürnsteiner Grüner Veltliner香氣細膩獨特,清澈濃烈帶香料味。口感青蔥圓潤,是一款口感十足、溫和、新鮮但又帶香料味的Gruner Veltliner, 和很多食材也很百搭。
Elisabeth Pichler-Krutzler from the Wachau and Erich Krutzler from the Burgenland founded their own wine estate in the Wachau in 2006. Both husband and wife originated from famous wine-making families. Together, they craft wines of great soul and individuality, based on a respect form nature and sustainable viticultural practice.
All this is a continuation of the path that Erich Krutzler set out on in the 1990s when he helped his family estate produce outstanding and characterful red wines in the Südburgenland. This is why a Burgenland Blaufränkisch finds its place in the range alongside Riesling and Grüner Veltliner.
The Pichler-Krutzler wines are pure, unadulterated and made without compromise to quality. Each wine is the reflection of its own terroir, harvested, raised and bottled without blending. Since there is no chaptalization, no juice concentration, no fining or additives of any sort, all the wines express their origins plain and clear. Just high-grade handcraft without any fancy trends.
Wachau, Austria
Country of Origin:
White/Blanc (Still)
Grape Variety:
Grüner Veltliner
Grüner Veltliner are growing in the flat area surrounding the medieval town of Dürnstein alongside the river Danube on well drained post ice age sediments of sand and gravel. They easily warm up in the morning and create wines of timeless elegance, displaying fruit and spiciness. Also, early picking causes a moderate alcohol level and a well-integrated bracing acidity.
Fermentation and Ageing:
Natural yeasts are used for fermentation in stainless steel tanks. Aged in stainless steel tanks on its second lees till bottling.
Tasting Notes:
(Robert Parker's rating: 89 points)
Bottled with 12% alcohol, the 2018 Dürnsteiner Grüner Veltliner is clear, intense and spicy on the slightly flinty, distinctive nose. Lush and round on the palate, this is a mouth-filling and gentle but fresh and spicy Veltliner that already drinks beautifully.
Category: Agency Brands, Gruner Veltliner, Pichler-Krutzler, Screw Cap, White Wines, Wines from Austria
Type: Wine