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Domaine de l’A 由 Stephane 和 Christine Derenoncourt 共同擁有,酒莊於 1999 年創立,他們首次購入之地方面積尚小,只有 2.5 公頃,後來他們兩次買入其他地方,現在面積加起來合共 10 公頃。酒莊位於產區內的 Sainte-Colombe 村,就在聖艾美倫區的東部。其實酒莊於其他著名聖艾美倫區酒莊相隔不遠,計有 Valandraud、Faugeres 和Fleur Cardinale。
Cotes de Castillon, Bordeaux.
80% Merlot, 20% Cabernet Franc
全顆粒於無蓋缸中發酵,橡木桶中浸漬 30 天,使用無蓋缸的用意就是讓釀酒工人視察發酵液蓋情況,決定每個缸下壓次數和力度。於橡木桶內進行蘋果酸-乳酸二次發酵。
50% 新法國橡木桶
此深紫色酒有大量新鮮黑莓,與摩卡交織住,泥土和香料香氣,奪杯而出。中度酒體,甜美橡木、泥土氣息和黑色覆盆子。出人意表的質感,令人留下深刻印象的純淨度和餘韻,在 2011 年來說已是比應有更出色的表現。
Domaine de l’A is owned by Stephane and Christine Derenoncourt. The estate was founded in 1999. Their first purchase was small. The original vineyard was only 2.5 hectares. In time, two additional purchases helped Stephane and Christine Derenoncourt bring the estate to its current 10 hectare size. Domaine de l’A is located in the commune of Sainte-Colombe in the Cotes de Castillon appellation, just due east of St. Emilion. In fact, the estate of Domaine de l’A is close to some very good St. Emilion estates. For example Valandraud, Faugeres and Fleur Cardinale are just down the road.
Cotes de Castillon, Bordeaux
Country of Origin:
Bordeaux, France
Red/Rouge (Still)
Grape Varieties:
80% Merlot, 20% Cabernet Franc
Whole berry fermented in open top, oak tank tanks for a 30-day maceration. The use of open top tanks provides a view of the cap, which they keep submerged and allows for the ability to decide the number and intensity of cap punching’s on a vat by vat basis. Malolactic fermentation takes place in barrel. The wine is aged in 50% new, French oak barrels.
Tasting Notes:
The 2011 offers lots of fleshy black cherry and berry fruit intertwined with mocha, earth and spice aromas that jump from the glass of this dense purple-colored wine. Revealing medium body, excellent texture and impressive purity as well as length, this over-achiever proves its merit in 2011. A sleeper of the vintage, it should be drunk over the next 7-8 years.
Category: Bordeaux, Fine Wines, Red Wines, Wines from France
Type: Wine