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原產地Country of origin:
Enkirch Grand Cru, Mosel, Germany
白葡萄酒White/Blanc (Still)
葡萄品種Grape Varieties:
品酒筆記Tasting Notes:
2017 Vintage:
2017年Enkircher Zeppwingert Riesling 以清澈密集,略帶橡木味的完美成熟的果香作開啟,散發出爽脆、結晶的氣息和非常精細的骨架。 在口感上,濃郁、青蔥、優雅和無盡的鹹味,具有結晶酸度和細膩,由礦物質構成的嚴肅、持久的結構,非常優良的單寧和精美的酸度。 此酒質地細膩無縫,結尾持續散發鹽分和張力。沒有發酵全乾,停在每升11.3克殘糖。 然而,甜味已經完美地融合在一起並保證了很長的陳年潛力。
From 100+-year-old vines on six terraces (the two upper terraces were selected for the reserve wine this vintage), the 2017 Enkircher Zeppwingert Riesling opens with a clear, dense and slightly oaky bouquet of perfectly ripe Riesling fruit and reveals a crunchy, crystalline and very fine backbone. On the palate, this is an intense, lush, elegant and endlessly salty Riesling with crystalline acidity and finesse but also a serious, persistent structure constructed by minerals, very fine tannins and beautifully fine acidity. The wine is highly finessed and seamless in its texture, and the finish continues scattering salt and tension. The 2017 did not ferment to fully dry, stopping at 11.3 grams per liter of residual sugar. However, the sweetness is already perfectly integrated and guarantees very long aging potential.
2018 Vintage:
在 Zeppwingert 葡萄園內,葡萄藤大概是酒莊中最古老的,基因有着悠久的歷史。它們生長於小塊的梯田上最頂端的地方,土地佈滿深色的板岩石。葡萄的根深入地底,加上百年老藤強韌的生命力,造就出非常堅實、陽剛氣息的Riesling。當中蘊含精緻的果香,包括成熟的西柚、榲桲和百里香等。整體來說,有陳年的潛質。
In the Enkircher Zeppwingert, probably the oldest vines of the winery grow on dark gray slate. Old Riesling genetics on the top of the smallest terraced location, with the deep roots, which reach far into the ground. It has produced very firm, masculine, powerful Riesling wines with delicately fruity, ripe grapefruit, quince, thyme which has protential for maturation.
Chopin - Ballade No.4 in F-Minor, Op. 52 performed by Vladimir Horowitz
Category: Agency Brands, Batterieberg, Riesling, White Wines, Wines from Germany
Type: Wine