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無名氏一直希望以茶葉釀製氈酒掀起一個新風潮。於是,我們想像如果以鑑賞級的中茶作為一瓶氈酒的主角會有如何的效果。這一次,同樣是中茶愛好者的唞唞(Rest Coffee Gin),用全新的概念,從嚴謹的選茶至極致的釀酒技術,完整發揮茶葉香氣,結合杜松子的魅力,造成首支以鑑賞級的中茶為主角的茶香氈酒。
CATNIP Gin總共用了四種原材料,包括杜松子、西柚皮、生薑以及這款氈酒的主角 - 鳳凰單叢蜜蘭香烏龍茶。
雖然只有四種原材料,但為了讓茶香成為主角,釀酒師嚴選幾種最能平衡茶香的材料,以簡約而嚴謹的發想,嘗試製作出一款具層次和複雜性的氈酒。在品嚐的時候,優雅的茶香慢慢在舌頭上散開,配合西柚皮的柑甜成份讓茶香更為圓潤,再加上杜松子作為氈酒的傳統風味及薑的溫辛,釀酒師希望大家於品嚐CATNIP Gin時找到平衡及其細膩的味道。
N.I.P has joined forces with fellow tea enthusiasts, Rest Coffee Gin, in creating this first issue in a special series that celebrates the beauty of premium Chinese tea. But instead of sipping it hot, we had a different idea - we decided to use the tea as one of the main ingredients for a new gin; ergo, C.A.T.N.I.P Gin is born.
The Cat inspiration of this gin comes from our cats’ reaction to catnip - we hope our gin can also create such smooth and comforting sensation so you con relax, chill and enjoy the wonders of tea and gin, much like a cat with catnip.
The four main ingredients in this gin include juniper berries, grapefruit peel, ginger, and, most importantly, the star of the show - Phoenix Honey Orchard.
This type of tea is lightly roasted and fermented to give off a floral fragrance and fruity palate, with a hint of peach and tropic fruits, which ends with a mild roost. Although the recipe may seem simple. but the profile of this gin is far from it.
On the nose, the gin draws upon the fragrance of the tea and the citrus from the grapefruit peel, giving it an aromatic and refreshing scent.
On the palate, the gin is juniper forward, followed by the lingering elegance and sweet and roosted complexity of the tea, which is also supported by the freshness of grapefruit and ginger.
Given the concept of this issue, it was a pleasure for us to be able to invite and work with the infamous illustrator,
「黑山的烏鴉」Ms. Kathy Lam (@dawning_crow),
who excels in drawing cats, to design our special label.
Place of origin:
Hong Kong
Spirit (Gin)
Category: Fine Wines, Gin, Hong Kong, Spirits
Type: Spirits