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Ximenez-Spinola 是在西班牙唯一,也是全世界唯一專門以 Pedro Ximenez 葡萄釀酒的酒莊。
在採收時洋溢着成熟葡萄的純淨香氣。通常隨著葡萄酒的陳釀和氧化,這些香氣通常會轉化成複雜度高、較少果香的風味。但這甜酒不會受年月或過多橡木桶的影響,完全保留了Pedro Ximénez的神髓。
西班牙 Jerez de la Frontera
100% Pedro Ximénez
7ºC - 12ºC
Music for enjoyment:
Autechre - Further
Ximenez-Spinola is the only cellar in Spain and in the world specializes in the variety of 'Pedro Ximenez'.
“Fruit essence with a French Oak soul...”
During the harvest we breathe in clean and ripe fruit essences in our winepress. Normally, as the wine ages and oxidizes, these aromas give way to others of greater complexity and less olfactory and gustatory fruitiness. But in this wine we have preserved everything that a sweet Pedro Ximénez would have lost with the passage of time and the excessive contribution of Oak.
Jerez de la Frontera, Spain
Country of Origin:
Dessert Wine
Grape Variety:
100% Pedro Ximénez
13 %
During the harvest, the grapes are cut by hand and left carefully lying on the ground on food mats, not in the open field but in the “camadas” (streets between the vines), so that during the hours of shade, the skin can accumulate tartaric acidity. Exposure to the sun slowly and gradually dehydrates each grape, evaporating water and concentrating natural fructose.
Only 300 kilos of raisins are obtained for each ton of fresh grapes, but then the grapes have to be transported back to the winery in boxes, which is equivalent to the work of a double harvest. Once the grapes arrive at the winery, they are pressed and only 200 litres of must are obtained for each ton of fresh grapes, which ends up giving this wine an extremely low final yield, typical of the sweet wines of this House.
The great difference in the elaboration of this wine is taking the fermentation to 13% of alcohol in French oak barrels with the cap open and slowing down the alcoholic conversion process by covering the barrel without leaving an air chamber, which means that all the wine retains the same residual glucose, and at the same time this hermetic closure favours the preservation of aromas and fruit flavours without the possibility of oxidation.
Ideal serving temperature:
7ºC - 12ºC
Tasting Notes:
VISUAL: Clean and bright gold, nothing oxidized or cloudy, and maintaining the tones of natural grape juice. There are no edges or noticeable differences in tone of the glass from the different angles of the catavino. It does have a glyceric tears typical of its natural fermentation.
NOSE: In a still glass, the aromas of fleshy fruit stand out: peach, apricot and ripe but not raisined plum. When the glass is rotated, the pear and the green apple awakened, with no more than a slight hint of bitter almond given by the French oak wood, which balances the exuberant profusion of its fruity manifestation.
TASTE: Truly balanced from start to finish, with no alcohol perception of any kind and almost tasting the different nuances of the fruit that are enhanced in the back of the palate, which is completely clean thanks to the remarkable acidity achieved with the partial soleo in the “litters”. The aftertaste is long, delicious, not heavy, but extremely pleasant and fruity.
Category: Agency Brands, Dessert Wines, Pedro-Ximenez, Sherry, Wines from Spain, Ximenez-Spinola
Type: Wine