Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.


April 26, 2021

正當香港還在乍暖還寒之際,一海之隔的台灣南投埔里的威石東酒莊,兩隻原生葡萄木杉和金香已悄悄開花!之後一連串針對葡萄的「動作」包括斷定葡萄翌年生長的重要過程「剪枝」,更需要一絲不苟地全人手主理,在機械化當道的年代,如此著重品質堅持手工, 大概可以解答到客人的疑問,了解過後,更覺得一分錢一分貨。


#南投埔里 #楊仁亞 #威石東 #威石東酒莊 #威石東台灣葡萄酒 #台灣葡萄酒 #世界13大最佳新創酒莊 #weightstone #weightstonewine #wineshop #boutiquewines #tsuenwanwinecellar #centralwinecellar #sens #senswine #senswinecellar

(👇🏼That is Black Queen in their reddish top, slower in bloom phase!)

(👇🏼These are long Musann Blanc clusters, happy ones, too!)

緊隨其後的是著果,讓我們首次能夠較準確地預估收成。同時進行的去枝,這是一絲不苟「 手工」樹冠管理的一部分,藉由移除多餘的枝條,達到良好的通風和日光照射。這個時期總是要細心觀察、提前思考,因為今年所接受的陽光量,可決定了明年的葡萄數量和品質呢!開心地與大家報告,目前新芽的生長勢頭強勁,估計本季的開花率平均為60%!

It's blooming, oh do let them bloom all the way!
Early to mid-April, as expected, with risen temperature and increased daylight hours, the inflorescence clusters began blooming peacefully starting with Musann and Golden Muscat. This is when the vines need utter calm, no disturbance. Fruit set now followed gradually and that, is when we can safely perform our first crop estimate and shoot thinning as part of our meticulous "hand"-intensive canopy management, removing unwanted shoots to allow for good ventilation and sunlight exposure. We have to always think ahead, as the amount of sunlight received by the shoots this year determines the next year's fruits in both quantity and quality.
We are happy to report that shoots are growing strong and we estimate an average 60% bloom rate this season. We continue to pray for rain, and for a peaceful growing season for all growers alike.
