Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.


June 20, 2017

時間回到1998年,葡萄酒商John Geber某日早上踩單車🚴路過Chateau Tanunda古堡,豈料呢座巴伐利亞式古堡竟如一個美麗嘅公主👸,讓富商魂牽夢繫,諗都唔諗第二天日就買佢番黎。呢個🤑「有錢就係任性」嘅決定,大大改變左呢座酒莊嘅命運。曾經係澳洲最早期及最大型的古堡,日漸荒廢,上任主人等左5年都冇人買。John Geber剛接手時,成個城堡都係爛窗同白鴿巢。由外行人到內行人,由爛城堡變靚酒莊,到釀出果香樸鼻嘅 #CabernetSauvignon 同 #shiraz,只係花上十幾年時間!單靠任性同錢?未必做到。釀酒始終最緊要都係講心❤️!

#Senswinecellar #Sens #Tanunda #australianwine #BarrosaValley

Back to 1998, on a random morning bike🚴, John Geber discovered a Bavarian-style castle. The castle was a beautiful princess👸 putting a love spell on the rich man. Fascinated by the beauty of the castle, this rich man made an impulsive decision: he bought the Castle on the very next day! Then the fate of the winery was hugely reversed. After five years of waiting, it finally met its new owner. When John Geber just came to the Chateau, all the windows were broken and the roof open to the skies and pigeons took over the castle. From beginners to professional to make such fruity #CabernetSauvigon and #shiraz, he only spent about 10 years. Is his success all because of money and impulsion? Definitely not! For winemaking, passion is always the key❤️

(The chateau's photo is from Chateau Tanunda)