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"Hand crafted wines begin with a dream, from the beginning of the season when the vines lie dormant, until long after harvest, the dream weaves on. Next vintage always lies ahead, as past vintages transform and evolve in bottle, reminding us that nature is the ruler, and we remain but dreamers." Nina Stocker
釀酒師Nina Stocker和助理釀酒師Callie Jemmeson抱著追夢者心態創立In Dreams酒莊,在種植和釀造途中深深感到相比起大自然人類的渺小,到頭來只能坦然面對不可預計的大自然,慢慢把釀酒當是一場夢,感到大自然才是主導萬物有其結果的幕後主宰。她形容面對來自上天的力量,例如下個月天氣怎樣?酒在瓶子內怎樣evolve演化成怎樣的味道等等?這完全在非她們可控制範圍之內,與其嘗試控制和改變,不如順應自然,就當是抱著發一場夢的心態吧!如能抱著這樣的心態,不管在任何狀況下都能悠然自處,當遇到困難是才不會茫然若失。其實人生不也是有很多事情在人的控制範圍以外嗎? 人生如夢境,我覺得心態很老莊,莊子在其“莊周夢蝶”裡面形容他在夢境裡變成一隻翩翩飛舞的蝴蝶,非常快樂,快樂到忘記自己就是莊周了。當他睜眼醒來,發現自己又從蝴蝶變回莊周。所以不知道究竟是莊周在夢境變成蝴蝶,還是蝴蝶在夢境中變成莊周!?其實人的一生有如夢幻泡影,如能把現實的迷惘和痛苦當成一場夢,當成在夢境裡生活就好,面對困境就沒那麽痛苦了!
位於澳洲墨爾本附近Yarra Valley的In Dreams,由女釀酒師Nina Stocker一手創立。她的逐夢之旅,由8年前在葡萄牙的一通電話開始,讓這位美女釀酒師從歐洲出發,由珀斯走到新西蘭,在2013年,終於走到Yarra Valley, 成立了In Dreams, 與助理釀酒師,另一位美女Callie Jemmeson一起繼續追她們的夢。
至於她們的夢是甚麼?當然是釀造絕佳的葡萄酒!In Dreams希望她們的葡萄酒,能如實地表現產區的特點,有著優雅個性而不失複雜度與平衡度。正如Nina Stocker本人所言“手工酒就像一場夢,由春天開始葡萄樹仍然沉睡之時,直到收成很久之後,這場夢仍然繼續 。下一個年份就在眼前之際,陳釀酒卻仍然在瓶內不斷演變進化。彷彿在提醒我們,大自然主宰萬物,而我們只不過在夢境中。”由此可見,她們對自然的敬佩。
她們精心挑選的Pinot Noir及Chardonnay,來自三個產量有限,質素極高的葡萄園。這些葡萄園大部分位處於Upper Yarra Valley,當地較清涼的氣候,可以讓這些葡萄變得更為優雅細緻,更顯高貴風格。為了讓葡萄園的風格更能在成酒中表現出來,In Dreams採用傳統的釀酒技術,以小批量發酵,野生酵母及法國橡木桶,釀出最有性格的葡萄酒。
Situated in Yarra Valley near Melbourne, In Dreams was established by a female winemakers, Nina Stocker. She began their dream-chasing journey 8 years ago. It began as a conversation over the phone. From Perth to New Zealand, in 2013, she finally found her dreamland in Yarra Valley and established In Dreams. She then worked with another beautiful winemaker, Callie Jemmeson, to chase their dreams.
What is their dream? Definitely to make the best wines! In Dreams aims to make wines that are an honest reflection of the stunning region, wines with elegance, restraint, complexity and balance. Just like what Nina Stocker said “Hand crafted wines begin with a dream, from the beginning of the season when the vines lay dormant, until long after harvest, our dreams weaves on. Next vintage always lies ahead, as past vintages transform and evolve in the bottle. Reminding us that nature is the ruler and we remain but the dreamers.” It reflects the winery philosophy of respecting the nature.
They source their Pinot Noir and Chardonnay from three low yielding, premium quality vineyards. The vineyards are predominantly from the upper Yarra Valley due to the cooler micro climate that helps them capture the elegance and finesse of these noble varieties. In order to allow the vineyards to express themselves in the resulting wines using traditional winemaking techniques such as small batch fermentation, wild yeast and the delicate use of French Oak.