Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.
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August 06, 2015
身為城市人,面對種種壓力,很多時都想飲番杯酒鬆弛一下。最近Winespectator.com文章指出,美國University of South Carolina醫學院團隊發現,紅酒內的非酒精成分「多酚白藜蘆醇」(polyphenol resveratrol)有助減低人類由社會壓力造成的抑鬱。當然大家要留意是,飲用紅酒的份量要適當,絕對不能過量啊!
As city dwellers, we sometimes need a glass of wine to relax. A recent article from Winespectator.com points out that, from experiements by University of South Carolina USA, a non-alcoholic compound in red wine, polyphenol resveratrol helps alleviate depression resulted from social stress. While the results are promising, one should be aware that the amount of red wine consumption should always be moderate.
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