Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.


April 27, 2017


Chateau du Coureau Blanc des Cabanes釀造過程非常特別,居然夠膽將整箱白酒放入海底蠔排隔離陳年!咁另類嘅方法,卻產生左一枝極具風格嘅波爾多白酒。喺海底缺氧而恆溫環境下,不但令陳年效果更佳,更突顯出獨特海洋風味!喺佢滿佈天然海沙,海草,貝殼,海星,仿如沉船文物⛴嘅外表入面,卻內藏豐富鮮美熱帶水果味🍍🍊🍏,更帶一點海洋味道,層次豐富特別。配乜野食好?當然係佢上面游黎游去嘅海鮮同生蠔啦🐟🦀🦐!呢枝每次都被一掃而空嘅大西洋珍珠再度回到Sens Wine Cellar!存貨量有限!



White wine is always the best friend with oysters . But has anyone ever imagined they can grow together under the sea? Undoubtedly, 🇲🇫French people know how to enjoy their life. But can you imagine that oyster farming and winemaking can be combined together? Chateau du Coureau told you they can.

Chateau du Coureau Blanc des Cabanes is preserved under the sea with the oyster farm. The interesting way of preservation surprisingly creates these characteristic Bordeaux white wines, with the lack of oxygen and the constant temperature in the sea, which together perfect the stability of aging process and give a touch of sea to the wine! The sandy outlook of the wine, which is just like a forgotten old wine left behind in a sunken ship⛴, twined with shells, starfishes and seaweed, can’t cover up the fruity aroma and taste of tropical fruits 🍍🍊🍏and the iconic taste and touch of the sea with an impressive structure. For food pairing? Certainly the fish and oysters living together with the wines🐟🦀🦐!

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