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Nanny Goat - Central Otago, New Zealand


“Central Otago是我成長的地方,我流著她的血。她令我追逐著一切不可能 ─創造出最完美的Pinot Noir。”---Alan Peters Oswald,Nanny Goat釀酒師。

"Central Otago is where I was raised, it's in my blood. It inspires me to pursue the impossible. the creation of the perfect Pinot"---Alan Peters Oswald, the winemaker of Nanny Goat.


Pinot Noir是一種多變的葡萄品種,不論在葡萄園中,還是在酒莊中,都需要特別的照顧,以帶出其真正潛力。這仿如一種魔法。

Nanny Goat葡萄園的名字,來自Central Otago山區漫山遍野的野山羊。

酒莊對於釀酒的決心,就如Central Otago地區的山羊一樣,面對當地崎嶇的地勢,以及嚴酷的氣候條件,仍然能站穩腳步,在困難中釀出優質紅酒。

2005年,酒莊釀造出首支Pinot Noir開始,Nanny Goat葡萄園一直致力於釀造出優雅,集中而平衡的美酒,同時讓每一籃葡萄都得以訴說自己獨自的故事。釀酒師Alan Peters Oswald是大洋洲地區十大傑出年輕釀酒師之一,亦是唯一一人來自紐西蘭。

Pinot Noir is a fickle varietal that demands the utmost attention, both in the vineyard and in the winery to bring its true potential to the fore. We call it the pursuit of magic.

Nanny Goat Vineyard is named after the wild goats that roam the mountainous terrain of the Central Otago.

It seemed to be a fair reflection of our determination to succeed, adapt and thrive in the rugged and often extreme climates of Central Otago – much like the nimble and sure footed wild goats of the region have done before us.

From our inception and the inaugural release of our Pinot Noir in 2005, Nanny Goat Vineyard has strived to produce wines with elegance, concentration and balance while allowing each individual parcel of fruit to tell its own unique story. Winemaker Alan Peters Oswald – one of the top 10 young winemakers of the year from Australasia and the only winemaker from NZ.